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Spicy Marinated Ling Cod
by Davetclown

[size 1]I leave the skin and scales on and cook it a low heat about 220 degrees the fish falls off the skin like trout dose. this helps to keep the fish from drying out to much.

I have marenated but with fish with liter texture (if ling cod is any thing like the cod I am used to) I like to make a spice mixture.

take some... [/size] [ul] [li]dehidrated tomatos pounded in to flakes and powder (this is your base) about half of a cup will go a long way [li]to this add a dash of onion powder [li]a dash or three of cyanne [li]a dash of of garlic if you like [li]1/4 teaspoon salt[/li][/ul]

mix all ingredeants dry together and place in a parmisan cheese shaker

sprinckle gingerly over top of the filletts allow to cook slowly dry in your basket to the degree of tendernes desired, you do not need to turn.

serve skin down with a dark green veggie like steemed broccolie maby mixed with colliflower with a light sprinkle of cheese from a mac and cheese dinner packet. or asperiguss lightly buttered, even raw veggie mix with zukinnie, cucumber, broccollie and colliflower wedges with a ranch dip on the side for dipping will make make this a nice dinner for family and guest

best part is that it is helthy and low in calleries and full of flavor.

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