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Cape Cod Turkey
1/4 ts Sage
1/4 ts Tarragon
1/4 ts Savory
1 tb Olive Oil
1 Clove Garlic
1/4 ts Grated Lemon Rind
2 lb Whole Cod
1/4 ts Sage
4 sl Bread
1/16 c Rose Wine
1 md Onion
1 lb Shrimp
1 pt Oysters

Peel devein shrimp and chop, chop and drain oysters. Chop onion and mince garlic. Cube bread. Mix oysters, shrimp, bread cubes, with spices, onion and garlic. Add wine and oil. Wash Cod inside and out leaving moist. Stuff with dressing and bake at 10 minutes on bake (medium) in microwave until fish flakes. Turn once halfway through cook time.

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