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Porcupine Report 3/5
We started fishing at about 6am. Adam caught two small rainbows before it was light. Then at about 6:30 the action started. I caught 6 fish from 6:30 to 7:30. The biggest being an 19 inch brown. The rest were rainbows, the biggest being 15 inches. Adam caught two more, one being a 16 inch brown, and Woody caught one 16 inch brown. After that it pretty much died off. I had a few come and look at it, but no takers. We left at 1:00. Mostly what worked was a flourescent green curly tail, tipped with a nightcrawler. I have had success with minnows in the past. Overall numbers were 11 fish caught, 3 browns, 8 rainbows.

Still no sign of kokanees, but it was encouraging to get into some browns. Ice conditions were good once you got on the ice. Getting on is a bit tricky. I would recommend wearing waders or bringing a lader. I had a snowmobile which worked good, but only if you are going pretty fast. I don't think that I will take it up there again. Sorry, no pics, my camera was out of batteries when I tried to take some.

Glad you could make it up there again. I hope your sled treated you a little better today. Too bad about the pics though. Good luck on your next trip up.

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