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I may be wrong but I thought I heard a snippit on the news this afternoon about a fisherman being found at Utah lake after being missing for several days. Any body hear about this? All I got was that his car had been there several days, he went out on a Yak and a helicopter found him today.

RIP I guess and my heart out to his familey
yeah just heard about it on the news Sad very Sad story alot of people getting into trouble on that lake this past year
Could you please shed some light on what you heard? Where when and what happend? Also it wasent a fellow BFT'er was it?

Guys Please be carfull out on that lake really carfull if your a tuber.
That's very Sad, I hope his family is doing alright. I fish from my kayak on Utah lake often in the summer and just took it out for the first time this year yesterday. The water is pretty cold right now and with a bit of wind you can get mighty cold very quickly. I'm wondering if maybe he got hypothermia or had a heart attack in the cold water if he tipped it.
yeah i seen the boat and the copter out there surching yesterday.. they said they has a man in the water but did not say how long he had been there..
that sucks that a felow fisherman went to dave's locker that way.. but at lest he was doing something he loved to do..
Egads, talk about premonition that I had yesterday. I noticed earlier in the morning it was calm and beautiful, and then I was walking to my son's kindergarten class to bring him home, the winds were coming on something fierce, and the Macey's flag in Pleasant Grove was really blowing it straight horizontally.

Yesterday, I had a horrible thought that there was a man overboard on a boat or something and was drowning. I thought to myself how odd that I had researched the weather reports on the internet that morning, saying winds were forecasted up to 25 mph which is enough to whip Utah Lake into whitecaps. I thought that there might be people out there who haven't researched the weather reports going on the lake unknowingly, and to have the winds sneak up on them. Poor guy must have struggled to stay afloat and bewildered by the winds. I feel sorry for his family, and his friends.

It seems that we need to keep on top of the weather reports if we plan to float something on Utah Lake. I was seriously contemplating boating and fishing it yesterday morning but I changed my mind when the forecasted winds was in the works. Just food for thought because Utah Lake is famous for strange mishaps such as overtaking a boat or float tube or just swimming (Ironman's swimming/drowning several years ago sure got my attention and it was in two three foot deep water but the winds whipped the waves up)... more so than any other lakes around here and what's odd is that it is a shallow lake.

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