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Strawberry still hot 3/14
Took the day off work to make one last trip to the berry (O.K., probably not the very last). Fished from 7-11AM. Fished in the little bay just north of the marina again. I think this place is hot because NO ONE goes there. Snowmobilers don't go there and few are willing to trek across the deep snow on foot. Iced 42 cuts in 4 hours, most of them between 7 and 9AM. Caught an under the slot limit cut for the first time this season, but let him go. Every fish thru the ice I kept hoping for a 22"-er, but was always disappointed. The odds seem to be very low. 0/42! Used gitzits and paddlebugs tipped with mealies.

Anyone have a secret for catching them above the slot?????????
Hey Fishhungry,

Thanks for the update. How long did it take you to walk over there? I am going up Saturday for the last time and want to hit a good spot, even if I have to hike my butt off. Also, were they all on the bottom?

I didn't keep track, it's not that far, but the snow on the bank is soft so you sink in. Probably 1/2 hr., maybe 45 min. By the time I got back there was a pretty good trail packed down so it should get easier every time. Just follow the main trail, once you're on the ice the snow is packed and walking much easier. If you had snow shoes it would be a breeze!

Park near the "dry storage" area, which is a plowed road that goes north just as the Marina road turns south toward the marina. If you follow my trail you'll come right to my holes. Fish were all 1-3 cranks off the bottom.
Sounds great. I think I will try to head over that way. Thanks for tip.

I was at CCE on Sunday and Monday and did well but not as good as you. With regards to the area you have been fishing recently, do you happen to know whether it is called Mackinaw Bay or Mosquito Bay? How deep were you fishing? I had the best success in 30' of water using white paddlebugs. Also, the area where you parked is it considered a fee area. I plan on going a few more times before ice out and I am looking to explore new areas. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Good luck if you head out again!
Sorry, I don't know if it even has a name, but its not Mosquito bay, that's way north. This would be south of Mud Creek and North of the Marina, a very small little bay next to a campground and straight east of some service buildings and "dry strorage" used by the marina. All I can do is give you my best directions.

Go toward the strawberry bay marina, the road will end because it isn't plowed any further, and you'll have to turn left onto the marina access road. Proceed past the booth. As you come around badger bay, the road will turn sharply south and your within eye-shot of the lodge & boat ramp. Right at that bend is a plowed road going straight north. Park anywhere along this road and walk straight east onto the ice. I have never paid to park there, but maybe you're supposed to?
Thanks! I know where you a talking about now. I believe it is a fee area (since the majority of the reservoir is), but if you haven't had anybody take heed of it - no harm, no foul right! Thanks again for the clarification/directions. If you are going this weekend, I might see you up there or I will be hitting CCE instead.
My map of strawberry shows that area as being mosquito bay....for whats its worth.

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