04-02-2005, 07:20 PM
Looks like sam played an aprils fool on her first utah lake eye![sly] That sucker hit like a freight train no playing around with the minnow like other fish i saw caught.He saw the minnow and slammed it just about took my rod into the water luckily sam grabbed it as it was heading in.We caught him just before it got dark.There was a guy next to me who landed one and was getting several bites.Then he caught this huge eye was probably about 12 lbs plus!It was a huge female over 30 inches it made my 33 incher from yuba look like a midget!I was hoping he would let her go otherwise i would have gave him a lecture.Luckily this guy was a real fisherman not some ignorant jerk.He handled her gently removed the hook and revived her and off she went unharmed.I learned a new trick from him thats how Sam caught her eye.I always inspect the stomachs of fish i catch and i couldnt figure out what it had ate.The tail of whatever it was kinda looked like a white bass but then again a small cat.