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California Spends 2.38 BILLION dollars, each year on recreational Fishing." FACT" California Anglers between 1990-1999 Contributed $278,108,749 to Fisheries MANAGEMENT, In the State,while the Overall spending for expenditures in 2001 for fishing were 2.5 Billion dollars. Govener Gray Davis has sacrificed recreational anglers "Fishermen and Fisherwomen' on the Political Alter "TO" APPEASE ENVIROMENTALISTS !!!!----California HAS 43,000 Jobs that are in question here...If He's Re-Elected, and has his way, the economic, impact would "NOT" only be devesting,but a DIRECT VIOLATION OF THE CALIFORNIA CONSITUTION,article 1 DECLARATION OF RIGHTS section25. ..The Right to Fish ...The State of California has also 60 MILLIONin Stste Tax Revenue, that is tied up for usage, Paid by Recreational Fisherpeople...."FACT" according to the A.S.A American Sportfishing Association...and a analysis of U.S. Fish& Wildlife service...............................................Walking On The Beach, Collecting Sea Shells, Swimming, ARE, AND "WILL" Be A Thing Of The Past,If He Is To Follow Thru, With The TOTAL CALIFORNIA,COASTLINE, RESERVE PROGRAM................This Issue Is NOW ABOUT OUR RIGHTS AS CALIFORNIAN'S TO CARE ENOUGH IN THE FUTURE, AS WE HAVE BEEN DOING FOR CENTURIES....WE ARE THE "BEST" CARE TAKERS OF OUR COAST...WE PICK UP TRASH , WE ARE THE GREATEST TEACHERS OF THE ENVIROMENT BY VOLUNTEERING,OUR TIME...AND PASSING THAT ALONG...TO OUR CHILDREN....DON'T LET THE STATE "TELLL US ,WHERE WE "CAN" AND CANNOT, PLAY ON THE BEACH OR FISH...................................BIG RESERVES mean BIG POLITICAL DOLLARS IN THE POCKETS of Mr..Devil G... ..Make Time To Understand This Serious Issue ....On Sunday Nov. 3rd there will be a Protest in ? Habor....hopefully a News item, but if not, see the site for www.United Or THE California Sportfishing Coalition IT'S OUR STATE , LET'S GET IT BACK....

I've heard conflicting times that this starts (10am and 1pm) and wanted to get some fishing in that morning and then go over. Do you know what time this will be getting started? I looked on both sites you listed and can't find anything on them about this event?

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Founder of Elite SEO Consulting
Davey's Locker is leaving Early,Around 7:30 But DON'T Quote Me Exactly....I Belive The Best Info I Can Tell You, Is E.T.A. Around how long, it takes your Landing To Get Bait At Sams, L.A. Bait co. In S.P. a.k.a Cabrillo ..Barge....On a Early Morning 1/2 Day........POINT IS , IF WE REALLY CARE , WE WILL ALL ARRIVE EARLY Or Call OUR LOCAL LANDING'S AND REALLY " PRACTICE WHAT WE PREACH "" ...NOW IS THE TIME WE MUST MAKE OURSELVES BE RESPECTED.........WE ARE THE CARETAKERS OF CALIFORNIA COASTAL AND SUBURBAN LAKES......I HAVE SEEN THIS STATE MISS -APPROPRIATE FUNDING, AND KEPT "PREETY MUCH " Nieve, About My, Tax Dollars....BUT NOW THEY WANT TO TAKE AWAY MY SPORT, MY PASSION !!!!Maybe Next, they will make us join their Country Clubs,to Golf in, plus taxes.....And For A Real Twist,FISH on There, Country Clubs just so we can "remember" back in the day's.................I DON'T THINK SO......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[cool] well said,

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