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I need some help with a psychology unit I'm doing. We have to do individual research on a topic, so I chose to investigate why people love the great outdoors. Any coments you guys can leave on why you love the great outdoors will be GREATLY appreciated. Anything you want to include is great. Thanks a lot! Jerry
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I love the great outdoors, because it's GREAT
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[black]One of my favorite books is "Walden," by Henry David Thoreau. One of my favorite lines in that book is "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when it came time to die, discover that I had not lived." [/black]
[black]Along those lines, I believe there is something fundamentally enriching and gratifying about going to the lake, or stream, or woods. To see something growing naturally without man's influence, to see some live animal act naturally in its natural environment, to see and smell and hear wild things, and to distance one's self from the business and stress of everyday living--does something good for me at least. [/black]
[black]Even a half-day fishing trip, hike, or hunt can do wonders for me in the soul- rejuvination department. That's why I go as often as possible to wild places to enjoy wild things. [/black]
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Were else can you go to see such a variety of soda pop cans,beer bottles,candy rapers.[angelic]
Seriousely, it is just plain beautiful.
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This I can identify with.... the last post anyway. The reason I go so often on Sundays is so that I can get in touch with the man upstairs and thank him for all the wonderful things I get to experience because he had the foresight to create a beautiful playground for me. I feel closer to God outdoors that I ever have in any building anywhere. And soul rejuvination.... well, lets just say the girlfriend and I have (or had I spose I should say at this point) an understanding. The outdoors is my therapy and if I don't get it, then I'm usually pretty unbearable to live with....
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I love the outdoors because you can get away from civilization and be at peace in the wilderness.
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I feel that everytime I go out it recharges me.
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Because a river runs through it.
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because the great outdoors give me a sense of peace and time for quiet reflection. Without all the noise and hustle and bustle of the world around I can listen to my feeling better and do some introspection and relaxation. This is also why I am one of those crack of dawn fisherman as well. If you go early enough it is just you and the few morning waterfowel and wildlife that say hi. Life just slows down and you can forget your cares if only for a small moment in time,
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Cuz for me you dont need a therapist or a pill
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its where my food is grown.
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Dude, it`s primal (in some of us)! Like the MUSIC!
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Peace, tranquility, fishing.