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Lincoln beach crappie
My boy and I fished near the harbor at lincoln beach today. We couldn't get the walley or catfish to bite, to we went back to catching the crappie again. My boy had a good time reelin em in. We used a very small black tube jig with a green tail, under a bobber.
Great report. Sounds like you have a life time fishin' buddy on yer hands, congrats.. Thanks for sharing the pic's.
Yea, it won't be long now, and you'll have someone to out fish you or show you how to do it for real.[Wink] And if you set a good example, he'll even be patient with you while he teaches you and demonstrates that kids always out fish the old foaggies and there aint anything you can do about it. LOL ! Just get ready to get used to it. On the bright side, maybe he'll feel sorry for you and be kind enough to bait your hook and let you catch one occasionally. Be sure to say "thank you, son" !

I know you already know this - but, the memories of a man in is old age, are the deeds of the man in is youth. And as you raise your child, remember this as well - most of the relationship of a person with their child will happen while that child is an adult. You're making some great memories to base that relationship upon right now. Good on you !
"Fishindaddy," how appropriate: both of you will cherish these days for years to come. Fishing is one of the few things in life that bridges generation / age gaps and provides youngsters with clean wholesome activities. Continue to set a good example and enjoy the time as it passes so quickly, oh by the way, nice catch on both fronts!
Pretty cool man. Thanks for the report, and good luck on your next trip out.

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