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kayaking Brough and Steinaker. ( report) 5/7-5/8
I spent this weekend in the Basin. It started Saturday by stopping by Kayote's house and picking him and My New Kayak up. As we were loading up the yaks It started to Rain. We were going to try Matt Warner Reservoir but Kayote thought It would be snowing with a nasty wind. Then We thought Pelican but it has been so cold I didn't think that it would be very active. So we settled on Brough Reservoir.

We made a few stops in town before we got to Brough about 9:30 am. Brough is a small reservoir with Big browns and big fat slimers It is a Artificial Flies and Lures body of water. We unloaded the yak's and started across the lake and to my suprise we had the lake to our selfs. There were people fishing from shore. We noticed that all but 2 were using bait. Where were the Fish Cop's when you need them.

We fished from 9:45am to 6pm. We didn't find any big browns or slimers but we did hook into some cookie cuter slime- bows. all round 12-14".Kayote caught 9. I caught 6. We were using shad raps. Only one color seemed to work. It was not fast fishing but it sure was nice to be out on the water with a good fishing buddy even if the weather was not so good. The wind was blowing all day but white caps came up around 5:30 pm and forced us off the water.

On Sunday I fished Steinaker from the yak. I fished from 7:30 am to 12:30 pm. the water was flat it was easy paddleing for a while. I hooked up 9 slime-bows and then decided to fish for bass. I used jigs, spinners, Plastics and even buzzers with out much luck. I switch to cranks and then boom. I hooked into large bucket mouth that did a nice tail dance for me. It was 4lbs and ready to spawn so I let it go. My heart almost stopped on the way back to the beach. I was in deep water just paddling along when boom my drag starts to sing the yaks get span around It starts to pull me. I grab my pole and set the hook and Had it on for about 30 seconds then It came unbottoned. I did end up with a little piece of fish lips on my hook.

I have a second hand report for Matt Warner. Good fish with Powerbait. The road going up are clear but muddy. Calder and Crouse are filling and should be planted in a few weeks.

I ended up paddling for about 13 hours this weekend. Life is good

Hey Tin,

Congrats on the big bass. I'll bet your boy would have liked to have seen it. Good luck with the new ride. She's a lucky banana. Orderded the new Garmin FF today. I'm such a shameless tackle ho. Later bro.

Good Fishing, Kayote
Hey Tuber,

When I get a few minutes I would be glad to post yak pics and links. I enjoy getting new people excited about the sport. I'm going saltwater yakfishing with K2 for three weeks starting about the second week in June. I will document digitally and share upon my return. I have a brand new ride waiting for me in Mission Beach. It's an OK Prowler, 15 ft 4 in (28 in wide), blue and white with four flush mounts and deluxe GTS seat. Sold Tin the Big Banana and I think he likes it. Just ordered a new Garmin 250 for the Prowler and recently got a new Standard Horizon 270 VHF and a new Boga Grip. Somebody should stop me before I go bankrupt. My goal is to get K2 a yellow and possibly a WSB, but I won't hold my breath on that white one. Now all I have to do is figure out how to tie a 30 pound mono topshot on 50 pound Spectra. Ahh, life is berry berry good. Later

Good Fishing, Kayote

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