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Willard Wednesday evening
Fished the west dike last night. Got there about 6:30 pm left about 8:30 pm.Got a total of 9 wiper. 2 small ones at 16 inches.1 at 21 inches,1 at 25 inches and 5 at 20 inches. The bugs weren't bad until the slight breeze stopped and then they were terrible.
Had a real inconsiderate water skier that went between us on the dike and fishing boat that was trolling by. They kept coming really close to us. I am wondering if you get the number off the boat and report them will anything happen?
Hey fool were you fishing on the shore? And what were you using?
Yes I am a land locked fisherwomen. We were on the west side about halfway up. It is my favorite spot to fish Willard.

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