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Successful Largemouth spawn @ Sunset Pond
I went to sunset pond to play with the fish there for 3 hours yesterda and hooked 8 small 3 inch largemouth bass. I also hooked a big 3 lb mama and a couple 1 pounders. Pretty shocked at how well the bass are doing there. Seems a majority of the anglers there are fishing for trout, sunfish, or cats.
Where is Sunset Pond at? It would be fun to find a place to take the family that was not to far away. I've always wondered if any of these ponds ever end up growing something big.
Sunset pond is located in the middle of a sub-division in draper off of 7th east and approximately 116000 south. I will get full directions when I get home and post them.
The only way you get bigger fish is to C.P.R. not by takeing them home..
[cool]Agreed, especially on a small little pond like this. A little lake like this can't really afford people taking home bass. The planter bows are another thing at the community fisheries. There's so few Largies at Utah Lake, that I don't even think it's right to harvest them there, but the walleye, cats, and white bass-now that's another story (there's plenty, so hook em and cook em if they won't go to waiste in your damn freezer).
The only way you get bigger fish is to C.P.R. not by takeing them home.. [/reply]
I agree completely with you. I havn't taken a fish home in a couple of years. Mainly because I never catch anything big enough to keep and because I don't eat fish.
I think the same as you.
Even on a body of water where I can harvest or if I catch a planter rainbow Ill only keep what I will eat. My daughter always wants me to bring something home for her to see but Im teaching her that if youre not going to use the animal then there is no sense killing it. Shes only 7 but replied, "that makes sense." (My kid listened - go figure.)
Here is a map on how to get to sunset pond. You must go up Willow Wood Dr. find the parking lot and walk to the ponds (one upper and one lower) You can see the lower pond from the neighborhood on Shandling Ln but you will be ticketed/towed if you park there (private subdivision)

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