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Banking for Kitties
Was wondering if Utah lake would be a good place to take my kid to catch some catfish from the shore? Any areas that anyone could recommend and what baits would be best would be helpful also. I have never fished specifically for cats and have never really fished at UL either. Thanks for any help.
Utah lake is a great place to catch the kitties from shore. I would suggest one of the marinas for best access. I would recommend Lindon or Lincoln, or if you on the west side I have done well from the Saratoga Springs boat harbor. I have always done well using worms and shrimp, but you can always use liver, or strips of carp or white bass.
[#505000]This has been my first year fishing for cats and fishing Utah Lake. I have both tubed it and shore fished it. Lincoln Beach and Lindon are my two favorite spots. If you can score a carp they are great bait. [/#505000]
[#505000]I can't speak for the others on this board but the commecial processed stinky dough baits don't seem to do well for me. If you can't score a carp drop by Sportsmans or another bait shop and pick up a couple slabs of sucker meat, and/or red sided shiners. Some guys fish them under a bobber, but I've had my best fishing sitting it on the bottom. [/#505000]
[#505000]If yo want fast and heavy action use worms and you will get mauled by bullhead cats. [cool] They love to swallow hooks so take plenty.[/#505000]
I would like to point out one thing and im not trying to be rude but your not supposed to use bass meat as bait.....
It's only illegal when you get caught....

I hope i did not offend anyone..[blush]

[cool][#505000] White bass is legal to use for bait in Utah Lake.[/#505000]
Oh... I must have miss read what TubeDude said when I asked about it before.. My Bad.[blush]
Ah catfishing -- every time I go catfishing on Utah Lake I wonder why I fish for the trout as often as I do. Channel cats will out fight almost all other fish their size in Utah, and give me a catfish to eat every day over a trout or almost all other fish species in Utah, and filleting a catfish with an electric filet knife is a breeze. A lesson I have learned in the past couple years is, especially if you are fishing from a rocky shoreline (such as on a dike in a marina), try fishing close to shore. What is close? I anchor my boat and cast to within six inches to three feet from the shore. If you are fishing from the shore, try not to make a lot of noise, and try fishing no further than two to three feet from the shore. I have caught catfish in the middle of the day under bright sunshine in water as shallow as six inches. If that doesn't work one can always practice their trout casting skills and cast as far as one can, but always at least try close to the shore. Fishing that close to shore you better leave your bail open or you will either lose your rod or have your line snapped. Crawlers will catch non-stop mudcats and an occasional channel cat. Shrimp (if anyone has a source for inexpensive shrimp I am all ears) will catch not quite as many mudcats as crawlers do and catch more channel cats. Cut up bait (white bass, perch, sucker, and minnows) will catch even fewer mudcats and more channel cats. The larger the bait the fewer fish you will catch, but the chances of catching a larger fish are increased. I use both a bobber and fishing on the bottom without any weight added to the line. Overall, I have had a little better success not using a bobber, but I snag more often without using a bobber.
Been gone for a few days but just got in to check out all this help. Thanks guys. I am going to take her out and see how she likes it. Thanks again.
You can on utah lake.

© Dead white bass may be used as bait only in Utah Lake.

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