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Canada Trip
Well we made it back from Canada. The fishing was great. Its so hard fishing all week and then getting back to the grind of everyday work life. Well I hope as you can see the fish were big and plentiful. The biggest pike we caught was 42" and around 22lbs. We caught quite a few in the 30 to 40 inch range. Then one day we fished the river going in to the lake and caught just a bunch of eater pike anything smaller than 30 inches. We caght a limit of walleye but nothing to big to brag about. The big ones were not biting. The fish sure taste good. My brother in law is going to mount one of his big fish. I wish I had the money to do the same. It was a long drive up there. But definatly worth the time to go and catch the big one.
Lets try the pictures again
[fighting back overwhelming feelings of jealousy...]

Sounds like a great trip. Pike are mean fish, that's for sure. Rows and rows of needle-sharp teeth, but they're a lot of fun. Great pics.

What kind of lures did you end up throwing?

Dang man nice fish you sure know how to make a feller envious
Thanks for the responses. To catch these monsters we had throwen everything in our tackel baxes at them. Our most productive colors or lures were fire tiger cyclopes or perch Rapalas. We did catch quite a few on just mepps spinners. Its was fun but our arms were worn out by all the casting. It seemed like every hundred casts or so we would catch a fish. It was defienatly woth the wait.
Where in Canada were you?
Tobin Lake. Northern Saskachewan Canada about 1200 miles from n. utah.

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