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Fisherman drowns in Bountiful Pond
(KUTV) Searchers recovered the body of an elderly fisherman in Bountiful Pond Friday.

The body of 82-year old Marzell Fairman was recovered just before 10 a.m. after divers searched the pond.

Investigators are unsure how Fairman ended up in the water but say they do not suspect foul play.

“He was out enjoying something he really loved to do and for whatever reason went off the boat," said Davis County Sheriff Sgt. Brad Wilcox.

On Thursday, an unoccupied boat was reported floating on the pond. Authorities found some of the Fairman’s belongings in the boat and his car parked nearby.

Investigators searched the pond's banks late Thursday night with no luck in finding Fairman. A helicopter was sent in Friday morning to give searchers an aerial view and assist divers in locating him.

Wilcox said recovery efforts were hampered due to lack of divers. He said only six divers out of a usual staff of 20 were available as dive teams are currently in Idaho undergoing certification.

(© MMV, CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.)
[black]A search on revealed a Marzell Fairman in Layton.[/black]
[Sad]I saw that on the news . Thats too bad. I assume that he was not wearing a life jacket. I think many of us fall into the trap of not wearing it all the time. In my canoe I always try to wear it while Im paddling but usually take it off to fish. I should probably wear it more.
Condolences to his friends, family and loved ones.
Strictly an assumption on my part, but I'll bet drowning wasn't the culprit, as weather likely wasn't an issue, and I'd bet he was a skilled boater. At that age, he has already outlived his lease on life, and likely had a massive heart attack/stroke/pulmonary embolus. Nothing wrong with biting the bullet doing what you enjoy.
[black]"Nothing wrong with biting the bullet doing what you enjoy."[/black]
[black]Frankly, I would rather go doing something I hate, so at least I get out of doing something that I don't enjoy doing![/black]
I agree nothing wrong with leaving this life ,doing what ya love.My prayer's to his family and friends.
It's a Sad story but there are certainly worse ways to go. You always wonder if people might have made it out alive if they had a buddy along. I'm certainly guilty of fishing alone most of the time.

This story hits home to me more now that my wife's grandfather almost didn't make it home from a fishing trip recently. He's also 82 and went fishing alone a couple months ago in Maine where he lives. His 5 chamber inflatable boat got holes in 3 of the chambers, then he lost his paddle and had to swim to shore and then walk through marshy swampland for a couple miles hauling his boat and gear to make it back to where he put in. My mother-in-law said he was in church with a suit and tie on the next Sunday.

He's one of the most capable people I know and an expert in all things outdoors but bad things can happen when you least expect them.
I grew up across the street from Marzell, or "Steamboat" as he was known to everyone in the neighborhood. After my parents got divorced, he became the male influence in my life. He was one of the people that really got me into fishing. He would always call me over to show me his "catch of the day". I remember seeing some huge kitties. At least they looked huge to a 7-year old. He was a great man. I know that he kept me and my younger brother going down the right path. I will miss you Steamboat. Have fun fishing up there!


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