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Check out the "Lever" Hook....
This hook has some interesting possibilities....

[url ""][/url]

Look under the "TIPS" link on fishing this setup...
I like the looks of that hook!
I just ordered 3-pkgs of each, I really think drop-shotting with these hooks at Willard or Strawberry would be killer for walleye and cutts. What do you think?
Guys don't waste your money on these hooks!! I field tested them early this spring. I too though they be the answer to the hook twisting sideways on the line.

The problem is when the fish takes the entire hook into it's mouth the point will not penetrate like it should. The extra wire on the hook [portion used to make the hook standup] causes the hook to turn sideways. Therefore the hook is lying on its side [while in the mouth] rather than straight up on the hookset. I promise you will loose fish on this hook.

The best way I can explain it is; take a pair of neednose pliers, put a quarter in the jaws [placing it standing up], and squeeze it as hard as you can. The quarter will either flip sideways or pop out altogether. Sample thing happens with this hook.
I tried them as well - and was frustrated with the experience. Perhaps there is some technique involved that I didn't know about then - like maybe you have to set the hook sideways or something.

But if you want to drop shot, go to the "Mojo" website(they also published a pamphlet that was available at Sportsman's warehouse in the past) or ask/PM BFT member "bassrods"(he show me the right way(and it's very easy to do) to tie your standard hooks so they are always oriented correctly ).

One side note, I did not have much luck with drop shotting using a circle hook on the rig - that may have been my fault, but up until now, in my experience, the fish are able to spit out the circle hooks no matter how I tried to compensate and have not gotten a good hook set using them yet. However, bassrods indicated to me that he prefered a hook he called a semi-circle hook - not sure what he was refering to on that(I don't know who makes them or what the official name would be) - you'll need to ask him for some clarification about it.
I have to say it looks like one more in a long line of "a better mouse trap".
After reading the above negative comments, the manufacturer has graciously agreed to send me a few of these hooks to field test them. I agreed to give them a try and report back to this forum and them my opinion of how well they worked.
My take on the hooks is that they sure look good but dont work any better. Line gets tangled and fish hook ups suffer. Mosquito hooks or circle type hooks work much better.
Circle hooks for drop shotting?
Yep circle hooks.
I have used these hook all spring in Colorado fishing for smallmouth and walleye. I bought them from Bass pro Shops. I would reccommend them. I was using them slowly jigging over structure off road beds and rocks. I didn't have any failure or lose any fish. Just my 2 cents.
[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]Looks like it is 50/50 right now. 2 say good and 2 no good. Looks like I might just have to try them for myself.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
I tried that hook and after a bunch of bites and misses I went back to my tried and true and started catching the bites not missing them.
Well, looking at the hook, what I see is that the only practical use for this would would be in a drop shotting application.

It aint gonna be much use on a carolina rig.

If you look at it from a technical viewpoint, in the drop shot application, you have pull from bolth the rod end of the line and the drop weight. That would keep the hook upright, but when a fish closes its mouth around the bait, the hook should turn sideways due to its shape.

I believe thats why the smaller octopus hooks are prefered for drop shotting.

This is a large style hook, similar to those used when weedless rigging for a texas, carolia, or split shot rig.

If you like them, great, if they work in a specific application and they work better than any other hook in that application good. Use them, but if you could get equal or better results from something else, then whats the attraction?
[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]I think that if the hook was a little more round like the octopus hooks, then it will probably work a little better for drop shotting. [/size][/#ff4040][/font]
I tried it for dropshoting and found it not that good but you can find out for your self.

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