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Lake Powell
Has anyone been to Lake Powell lately? we were there a week ago for a family trip, Fishing for Stripers was bad, the Stripers were boiling everywhere, We kept trying to catch one of these boils but they never lasted long enough, one morning when we where fishing over at Mokie Canyon, there was 2 boils that kept popping up about every minute or so, in the channel, we moved out to the channel and tried to catch them, with a little luck we headed the boat at one of them and started to cast into the boil, no luck!, We tried again and again along with another red and white boat chasing the other boil, then a boil popped up not 20ft. from the boat still no luck, we kept changing lures but still no luck, the other boat had 4 people casting and they didn't catch any either, finaly the boils started heading down the channel with the red and white boat in hot persuit, we watched them for awhile but never seen them catch any, we fished a couple of different spots but still no luck, after about 45 minutes here come the other boat still chasing, we gave up and headed back to camp, the whole week was not a total lose the kids caught plenty of catfish and carp from the shore at camp.
Thanks for the report Wayne, it has been a long time since I have read one of your fishing report. Have you been doing much fishing this summer? Too bad the catching was so slow for you. You can get some good info on what to use and where the hot spots are by going to
Something wrong with this program! I wrote a reply added pics and the reply disappeared! I had to re-write

Hi Curt! No this is the first time that I have gone all year![cool] It seams that I just don't have any time, weekends come and go to quick[unsure] I guess that's why I'm "PT" (part time) [Smile] I did find out that I might have a new fishing buddy, Adam had a lot of fun catching those catfish and carp, he wanted to fish every evening (I add pics)[cool] and ask when we are going next "he said he wants to catch a whale" (BIG ONE[shocked])
Isn't it a blast fishing with kids. There is nothing better than watching my Daughter catch " the big one." Last weekend she informed me that when she grows up she wants to be a pro bass fisherwoman on TV. A friend of mine just got back from powell thurs. he described a very similar scenario. Good Luck.
It was fun this time! I have fished with him before and he wanted nothing to do with the pole or the fish, he never sat still either but this time was completely different, I bought him a fishing pole a couple of years ago but he would not use it, now it doesn't matter what pole it is he wants to bring it in,

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