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Saguaro Lake
[cool] Well, I finally found a time between Turkey Day cleanup and Christmas preparations that I could flail the waters. Launched my kick boat on Saguaro, at Butcher Jones Saturday morning. Weather report said fair and sunny. Reality...cloudy and breezy.

There were about three or four fly guys waving their fairy wands over the trout in close, but only saw a couple caught early. Listening to their chatter I heard them say it was better earlier in the week, after the weekly plant. The bottle bait brigade quickly harvests most of the dumb ones. One story was of a skillful/lucky fly fisherman releasing about thirty one morning midweek on small peacock nymphs.

I went down expecting to do battle with a couple of troutaholic largemouth, but was dissapointed. Only saw evidence of one "chaser". A cast with a swimbait in the direction of the brief surface activity didn't get any response. I worked my way from shallow to deeper water, progressing through several plastics, spinner baits and hardbaits without a touch. Didn't see evidence of any shad either on the surface or on my sonar. I assumed the bass had followed the shad into deeper water...or another cove. Overheard a conversation between a couple of guys in bass boats later that said one of them had 4 bass for over 20 lbs. in a local tournament that was going on.

The sun finally peeked through the clouds a little and the breeze died down for awhile. Water temp was 63 degrees. Decided to bounce some of my bait bugs on the bottom for yellow bass...or walleyes or anything else that would stretch my string. Working 12 to 14 feet of water, where I found the few fish I could see at all on my sonar, I soon caught a small yellow bass. Hoped that would be the first of many, but it turned out to be the only dumb one.

About ten o'clock I bagged three nice channel cats in short order. They were 4.5#, 6.5# and 7.5#. They all hit those size 6 bait bugs, with a bit of worm or fish meat on them...on my light 7 foot rod with ultralight reel and 4# line. The last and biggest towed me all over the cove before it had an insane urge to crawl into my net.

After a session at the fillet board, those chunky cats became the main ingredients for 1. A meal of fried fillet strips. 2. A new trial recipe for "Spicy Fish Wings" and 3. a batch of smoked catfish.

By the way, your humble moderator here is a published author for fish recipes. I have a bunch, for any fish species and any style of cooking. I'll be happy to email them to anyone who is looking for a new way to serve up the ones you keep. But, don't keep more than you can use. I do keep and consume, but also advocate catch and release on the heavily abused species.

Any readers have any good new recipes they would like to share? Anyone else out there been fishing recently, with a report for us. Bring it on.

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