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willard 10/7, Huntington 10/8 and channel 12
Hit Willard again on Friday. No boils. Started at 8:30 A M and didn't catch a fish till 10:30, then I caught another channel cat, trolling. Crazy. Then we got into the strippers. We found them in the same place as the last time, over in front of the South marina. Every time we trolled through the spot we either had one or two hook ups. No triples or quads this time but fastest enough to keep some lines tangled. Some times it's better to troll with just 2 lines when you are catching fish. Anyway by 12:00 we had caught 13 and a cat. And we had other things to do so we were off. I love catching wipers. Oh I saw a canoe and 3 or 4 pontoons on Huntington yesterday just as the storm blew in. Was that any of you guys? Oh, when you talk of channel 12 is that Marine band, C B or walkies? I've never tried walkies but have the other 2 and raised no one.
[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]Interesting that you caught a striper in Willard.[cool] They're wipers.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
[cool][#0000ff]No Scott, he said "strippers". They are definitely line strippers. Then again, maybe he was fishing with "G" string.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you will notice, he changed it to wipers further down in the post. Fishermen can get excited sometimes and "misspeak" themselves.[/#0000ff]
Sounds like a fun trip to Willard.

Channel 12 is on the little FRS walkies. It would be nice if Marine radios were more affordable though.
[red][size 3]I saw a few strippers at Willard one time, on the bow of a very expensive ski boat![Wink] I about tangled all my lines as well! Gotta love it! [/size][/red]
[Smile]Thanks flashyfish2 for the great report. i was wondering how willard was doing these days. thanks trfishin
[cool]Hey nice report. Did you happen to catch anything at Hunington (besides wind?). Also, were there any "strippers" up at Hunington too, and if so, were they hot?[Tongue]

Hunington should be freezing up in about a month. Hope I can afford the petro to ice fish it then!
I hope they were not male strippers. That would be NASTY![Tongue]
I thought that might be you that we saw at Willard in that Cdory, its a hard boat to miss. We were the guys in that older white Starcraft that came up to your boat right before you left. I know you told me once before when we saw you at Deer creek that the boat belongs to your friend so I wasn't sure if you were in it this time. I was hoping if you were in the boat that you might see the BFT decals on the side of my boat but I guess I should have said Hi. It looked like the older guy got a little upset when we came so close. I saw a Cdory at the Gorge the 12th or 13th of Aug, were you or your partner there then? WH2
LOL... Nice report... I can barely afford one stripper, much less 12. I hope you brought a bunch of dollar bills to keep them interested.
[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]My bad[cool] Hey next time you see strippers call me.[sly][/size][/#ff4040][/font]
Sorry about the stripper thing. Sure got a lot of interesting posts. But the wippers were a lot of fun. Yes that was most likely his CDory up at the gorge. He guides out of minilla. I wish you'd come up to the boat. We fish at least once a week and I've only met one BFT person and I've asked a lot of people. They just look at you with a puzzled face. See ya on the water. FF2

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