10-21-2005, 10:36 PM
[font "Times New Roman"]Weekly Fishing Report - Week of October 17, 2005 [/font] [font "Times New Roman"][#004080]INLAND REPORT[/#004080][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#ff0000]ATTENTION ANGLERS: Many rivers and all but the smaller streams have been unfishable due to the high water flows caused by last week's rains. Lakes and pond water levels are also up, and some boat launches were underwater. Use caution and plan your trips accordingly. Be alert for boat-damaging debris in the water.[/#ff0000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]ATLANTIC SALMON[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]The Shetucket River was stocked with 142 broodstock Atlantic salmon on Monday (10/17). The previous Thursday (10/13), 145 salmon were stocked into the Naugatuck River. These fish are three to four years old and weigh between 2 and 15 pounds each. DEP currently expects to stock 400 additional broodstock salmon from the federal hatchery in Vermont into the Naugatuck and Shetucket Rivers next week. These salmon typically weigh 5-6 pounds each.[#ff0000] Poor weather and/or high river flows may delay stocking of these fish.[/#ff0000] Following spawning, the DEP expects an additional 600-800 salmon from its Kensington Hatchery to be available for stocking in November. Additional fish may be available following spawning in federal fish hatcheries in November and December.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]Reminder- Anglers are allowed to fish for salmon in the Naugatuck River from the confluence of the East and West Branches (Torrington) downstream to the Housatonic River (Derby). Anglers may also fish for Atlantic salmon in the Housatonic River downstream of Derby Dam. On the Shetucket River, anglers can fish for salmon downstream from the Scotland Dam (Windham) to the Water Street Bridge in Norwich (the first bridge upstream of Norwich Harbor). Angling for Atlantic salmon is restricted to [#ff0000]catch-and-release only[/#ff0000] in all open areas through November 30. The daily creel limit is zero and all Atlantic salmon must be immediately returned, without avoidable injury, to the waters from which taken. From December 1, 2005, through March 31, 2006, the daily creel limit for Atlantic salmon is one. During the open season, the legal method for taking Atlantic salmon is limited to angling using a single fly, or an artificial lure with a single free swinging hook. No additional weight may be added to the line above the fly or lure. Note: New regulations allow fishing for species other than Atlantic salmon in the designated Atlantic salmon broodstock areas on the Shetucket River (from the Scotland Dam to the Occum Dam) and Naugatuck River (Route 118 to the Thomaston Dam, and from Prospect Street in Naugatuck to Pines Bridge Road in Beacon Falls). Fishing for other species in these areas is restricted to gear legal for Atlantic salmon (Previously, anglers could only fish for salmon in designated broodstock areas during the fall and winter).[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]TROUT[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]LAKES & PONDS –High winds and rain prevented all but the most serious anglers from fishing last week. Those that did venture out found that some lakes are still producing good catches, reports include Highland Lake (good) East Twin Lake (fair), Mohawk Pond (slow), Mt. Tom (slow) West Hill Pond (mixed).[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]RIVERS & STREAMS -DEP stocked the Mianus River TMA, Mill River TMA, Norwalk River and Saugatuck River (including the TMA) early this week, completing its fall trout stocking. Due to high water flows fishing last week was very poor (and impossible in some areas). As flows recede anglers using streamers or nymphing should have success (especially during the early morning and late evening). For streamers try white, yellow and brown colors. Patterns to try include White Wooly Buggers, Muddlers, Micky Finn, Grey or Black Ghosts (#4-10). Nymphs include Caddis pupa (#14-16), Serendipity (#14-16), Pheasant Tail (#12-20), Prince (#6-18) and Hare’s ear (#8-20).[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]Farmington River- West Branch flows are stained but currently quite fishable, with about 210 cfs from Hogback to Riverton and about 420 cfs below the confluence of the Still River. As hatches resume, patterns to use include Isonychia (#12-14, fast water, evening), Blue Wing Olives (#16-20, mid-late afternoon), Caddis (tan #14-18, all day; green #22-26, evening; summer pupa #18-20 morning), Midges (#22-32, morning), Black Beetles (#16-18, mid day) and Stone Hopper (#8-12, mid day).[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]Housatonic River- Morning water temperatures in the TMA are in the low to mid 50’s °F. Flows are high, but clearing and dropping to fishable levels, currently About 2,150 cfs at Falls Village and 3,700 cfs at Gaylordsville. Hatches this time of the year include Blue Wing Olive (#18-22, early morning; spinner fall in evening), Isonychia (#12-14 evening), and Black caddis (#16-20, early morning and evening).[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]LARGEMOUTH AND SMALLMOUTH BASS fishing remains variable, ranging from slow to good, with reports from Lake Wonoscopomuc (good), Lake Saltonstall (fair), Beach (slow), Pachaug (fair), Mudge (good including 22 fish for one angler) and West Hill Ponds, and East Twin (fair) Amos (mixed reports), Gardner (slow), Cedar (good), Mamanasco (fair), Tyler (slow), Highland (slow), Rogers (fair), Candlewood (difficult) and Beseck (mixed) Lakes.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]WALLEYE action reported from Lake Saltonstall (including a 7.5 lb walleye), Saugatuck Reservoir and Squantz Pond.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]NORTHERN PIKE action typically is good during the fall. Once conditions (water levels, access) improve, areas to try include Pachaug Pond, Bantam Lake, Mansfield Hollow Reservoir, Winchester Lake, Quaddick Reservoir, and the Connecticut River (pike fishing was reported as good-excellent just prior to last week’s floods).[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#ff0000]NOTES:[/#ff0000][/font] [ul] [li][font "Times New Roman"]The state park road to MASHAPAUG LAKE IS CLOSED due to storm damage. This closure may last for an extended period.[/font] [li][font "Times New Roman"]The Natchaug State Forest entrance road bridge across the NATCHAUG RIVER off of Route 198 in Eastford will be closed indefinitely beginning November 1st. This closure applies to both vehicles and pedestrians. For additional information including alternate access: [url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/stateparks/forests/natchaug.htm"]http://www.dep.state.ct.us/stateparks/forests/natchaug.htm[/url][/font] [li][font "Times New Roman"]Due to flood control management, scheduled drawdowns of Lake Lillinonah and Lake Zoar were postponed one week. LAKE LILLINONAH is scheduled to be drawndown 5 feet starting Friday night, October 21st with refilling scheduled to begin Sunday night, October 30th. The drawndown of LAKE ZOAR will begin Friday night, Oct 28, with refilling scheduled to begin Sunday night, November 6th.[/font] [li][font "Times New Roman"]A 3-foot drawdown of HIGHLAND LAKE is scheduled to begin on November 1st.[/font] [li][font "Times New Roman"]Winter drawdowns of Gardner Lake, Pachaug Pond, Lower Bolton Lake, Glasgo Pond and Bashan Lake are scheduled to begin by the end of October.[/font] [/li][/ul] [font "Times New Roman"][#004080]MARINE REPORT[/#004080][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]The water temperature in Long Island Sound (LIS) ranges from the low to the mid 60’s °F. Check out the following web sites for more detailed water temperatures and marine boating conditions:[/font]
[url "http://marine.rutgers.edu/mrs/sat_data/?nothumbs=1"][font "Times New Roman"]http://marine.rutgers.edu/mrs/sat_data/?nothumbs=1[/font][/url][url "http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/"][font "Times New Roman"]
[/font][/url][url "http://www.wunderground.com/MAR/AN/330.html"][font "Times New Roman"]http://www.wunderground.com/MAR/AN/330.html[/font][/url]
[font "Times New Roman"]Also remember to check the CT [url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/burnatr/fishing/fishinfo/angler.htm"]Angler’s Guide[/url] page 52 for tidal information and page 50 for saltwater trophy fish award info.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]All the rain and windy conditions over the past week put a damper on the fishing and cooled off the water pretty quickly. However, with a break in the weather fall fishing should get back into high gear.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]STRIPED BASS and BLUEFISH fishing is good and will only get better as the fall season progresses. Look for a lot of top water action as stripers and bluefish feed on schools of peanut bunker! Find the birds and you will find the fish. The usual fishing spots include the Watch Hill reefs, Ram Island Reef, the Race, Plum Gut, Thames River, Millstone Point, Bartlett Reef, Black Point, the humps south of Hatchett Reef, Long Sand Shoal, Connecticut River breakwater to White Sands Beach, Cornfield Point, Southwest Reef, Sixmile Reef, the reefs off Madison and Branford, New Haven Harbor, Milford Harbor breakwaters to Charles Island and Milford Point, Housatonic River, Penfield Reef, and around the Norwalk Islands.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]SNAPPER BLUEFISH fishing remains good along the coastline with snappers approaching 12 inches in length.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]Summer flounder (fluke) fishing is on the slow side. Montauk Pt, NY is your best bet. Scup (porgies) fishing is rated good to excellent in LIS at all the major reefs and wrecks.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]BLACKFISH (tautog) fishing is good to excellent on the major reefs and will continue to improve as the water temperatures cool down. [#ff0000]PLEASE REMEMBER, “CULLING” OR “HIGH GRADING” ONCE THE CREEL LIMIT HAS BEEN REACHED IS PROHIBITED.[/#ff0000] [/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]HICKORY SHAD fishing is fair to good in the Niantic River, Connecticut River and Clinton Harbor.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]LITTLE TUNNY and ATLANTIC BONITO fishing is heating up. Your best chances are at Plum Gut, the Sluiceway, the Race, Pine Island area off the Thames River, and between Millstone Point and Pleasure Beach in Waterford.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#ff0000]PLEASE NOTE: [url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/burnatr/fishing/marineinfo/saltregs.htm#scup"]SCUP[/url] FISHING CLOSES NOVEMBER 1ST[/#ff0000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#ff0000]Please see the [/#ff0000][url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/burnatr/fishing/marineinfo/saltregs.htm"]Current Marine Fisheries Recreational Regulations[/url][#0080ff] [/#0080ff][#ff0000]page for the latest regulations on common saltwater fish species or download t[b]he [url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/burnatr/fishing/pdf.htm"]2005 Marine Fisheries Brochure[/url]. [/#ff0000][/b][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#009999]Interested in participating in the Marine Volunteer Angler Survey? Please see page 41 of the 2005 CT [url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/burnatr/fishing/fishinfo/angler.htm"]Angler’s Guide[/url] for contact information. Your participation is critical to effective fisheries management of your marine fishery resources. Thank you.[/#009999][/font] [center][font "Times New Roman"][url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/burnatr/fishing/weekly/fishadv.htm"]Weekly Fishing Report[/url] | [url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/burnatr/index.htm"]Bureau of Natural Resources[/url][/font][/center] [font "Arial"][size 2][url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/index.htm"]Home[/url] | [url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/aboutdep/contact/contact.htm"]Contact Us[/url] | [url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/search2.htm"]Search[/url] | [url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/survey/survey.htm"]Feedback[/url] | [url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/legal.htm"]Website Legal Info[/url][/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2]Send comments or questions regarding this site to[/size][#800000][size 2] [url "mailto:dep.webmaster@po.state.ct.us"]dep.webmaster@po.state.ct.us[/url][/size][/#800000][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2]Copyright 1998-2004 Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection[/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#ff0000]ATTENTION ANGLERS: Many rivers and all but the smaller streams have been unfishable due to the high water flows caused by last week's rains. Lakes and pond water levels are also up, and some boat launches were underwater. Use caution and plan your trips accordingly. Be alert for boat-damaging debris in the water.[/#ff0000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]ATLANTIC SALMON[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]The Shetucket River was stocked with 142 broodstock Atlantic salmon on Monday (10/17). The previous Thursday (10/13), 145 salmon were stocked into the Naugatuck River. These fish are three to four years old and weigh between 2 and 15 pounds each. DEP currently expects to stock 400 additional broodstock salmon from the federal hatchery in Vermont into the Naugatuck and Shetucket Rivers next week. These salmon typically weigh 5-6 pounds each.[#ff0000] Poor weather and/or high river flows may delay stocking of these fish.[/#ff0000] Following spawning, the DEP expects an additional 600-800 salmon from its Kensington Hatchery to be available for stocking in November. Additional fish may be available following spawning in federal fish hatcheries in November and December.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]Reminder- Anglers are allowed to fish for salmon in the Naugatuck River from the confluence of the East and West Branches (Torrington) downstream to the Housatonic River (Derby). Anglers may also fish for Atlantic salmon in the Housatonic River downstream of Derby Dam. On the Shetucket River, anglers can fish for salmon downstream from the Scotland Dam (Windham) to the Water Street Bridge in Norwich (the first bridge upstream of Norwich Harbor). Angling for Atlantic salmon is restricted to [#ff0000]catch-and-release only[/#ff0000] in all open areas through November 30. The daily creel limit is zero and all Atlantic salmon must be immediately returned, without avoidable injury, to the waters from which taken. From December 1, 2005, through March 31, 2006, the daily creel limit for Atlantic salmon is one. During the open season, the legal method for taking Atlantic salmon is limited to angling using a single fly, or an artificial lure with a single free swinging hook. No additional weight may be added to the line above the fly or lure. Note: New regulations allow fishing for species other than Atlantic salmon in the designated Atlantic salmon broodstock areas on the Shetucket River (from the Scotland Dam to the Occum Dam) and Naugatuck River (Route 118 to the Thomaston Dam, and from Prospect Street in Naugatuck to Pines Bridge Road in Beacon Falls). Fishing for other species in these areas is restricted to gear legal for Atlantic salmon (Previously, anglers could only fish for salmon in designated broodstock areas during the fall and winter).[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]TROUT[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]LAKES & PONDS –High winds and rain prevented all but the most serious anglers from fishing last week. Those that did venture out found that some lakes are still producing good catches, reports include Highland Lake (good) East Twin Lake (fair), Mohawk Pond (slow), Mt. Tom (slow) West Hill Pond (mixed).[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]RIVERS & STREAMS -DEP stocked the Mianus River TMA, Mill River TMA, Norwalk River and Saugatuck River (including the TMA) early this week, completing its fall trout stocking. Due to high water flows fishing last week was very poor (and impossible in some areas). As flows recede anglers using streamers or nymphing should have success (especially during the early morning and late evening). For streamers try white, yellow and brown colors. Patterns to try include White Wooly Buggers, Muddlers, Micky Finn, Grey or Black Ghosts (#4-10). Nymphs include Caddis pupa (#14-16), Serendipity (#14-16), Pheasant Tail (#12-20), Prince (#6-18) and Hare’s ear (#8-20).[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]Farmington River- West Branch flows are stained but currently quite fishable, with about 210 cfs from Hogback to Riverton and about 420 cfs below the confluence of the Still River. As hatches resume, patterns to use include Isonychia (#12-14, fast water, evening), Blue Wing Olives (#16-20, mid-late afternoon), Caddis (tan #14-18, all day; green #22-26, evening; summer pupa #18-20 morning), Midges (#22-32, morning), Black Beetles (#16-18, mid day) and Stone Hopper (#8-12, mid day).[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]Housatonic River- Morning water temperatures in the TMA are in the low to mid 50’s °F. Flows are high, but clearing and dropping to fishable levels, currently About 2,150 cfs at Falls Village and 3,700 cfs at Gaylordsville. Hatches this time of the year include Blue Wing Olive (#18-22, early morning; spinner fall in evening), Isonychia (#12-14 evening), and Black caddis (#16-20, early morning and evening).[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]LARGEMOUTH AND SMALLMOUTH BASS fishing remains variable, ranging from slow to good, with reports from Lake Wonoscopomuc (good), Lake Saltonstall (fair), Beach (slow), Pachaug (fair), Mudge (good including 22 fish for one angler) and West Hill Ponds, and East Twin (fair) Amos (mixed reports), Gardner (slow), Cedar (good), Mamanasco (fair), Tyler (slow), Highland (slow), Rogers (fair), Candlewood (difficult) and Beseck (mixed) Lakes.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]WALLEYE action reported from Lake Saltonstall (including a 7.5 lb walleye), Saugatuck Reservoir and Squantz Pond.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]NORTHERN PIKE action typically is good during the fall. Once conditions (water levels, access) improve, areas to try include Pachaug Pond, Bantam Lake, Mansfield Hollow Reservoir, Winchester Lake, Quaddick Reservoir, and the Connecticut River (pike fishing was reported as good-excellent just prior to last week’s floods).[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#ff0000]NOTES:[/#ff0000][/font] [ul] [li][font "Times New Roman"]The state park road to MASHAPAUG LAKE IS CLOSED due to storm damage. This closure may last for an extended period.[/font] [li][font "Times New Roman"]The Natchaug State Forest entrance road bridge across the NATCHAUG RIVER off of Route 198 in Eastford will be closed indefinitely beginning November 1st. This closure applies to both vehicles and pedestrians. For additional information including alternate access: [url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/stateparks/forests/natchaug.htm"]http://www.dep.state.ct.us/stateparks/forests/natchaug.htm[/url][/font] [li][font "Times New Roman"]Due to flood control management, scheduled drawdowns of Lake Lillinonah and Lake Zoar were postponed one week. LAKE LILLINONAH is scheduled to be drawndown 5 feet starting Friday night, October 21st with refilling scheduled to begin Sunday night, October 30th. The drawndown of LAKE ZOAR will begin Friday night, Oct 28, with refilling scheduled to begin Sunday night, November 6th.[/font] [li][font "Times New Roman"]A 3-foot drawdown of HIGHLAND LAKE is scheduled to begin on November 1st.[/font] [li][font "Times New Roman"]Winter drawdowns of Gardner Lake, Pachaug Pond, Lower Bolton Lake, Glasgo Pond and Bashan Lake are scheduled to begin by the end of October.[/font] [/li][/ul] [font "Times New Roman"][#004080]MARINE REPORT[/#004080][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]The water temperature in Long Island Sound (LIS) ranges from the low to the mid 60’s °F. Check out the following web sites for more detailed water temperatures and marine boating conditions:[/font]
[url "http://marine.rutgers.edu/mrs/sat_data/?nothumbs=1"][font "Times New Roman"]http://marine.rutgers.edu/mrs/sat_data/?nothumbs=1[/font][/url][url "http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/"][font "Times New Roman"]
[/font][/url][url "http://www.wunderground.com/MAR/AN/330.html"][font "Times New Roman"]http://www.wunderground.com/MAR/AN/330.html[/font][/url]
[font "Times New Roman"]Also remember to check the CT [url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/burnatr/fishing/fishinfo/angler.htm"]Angler’s Guide[/url] page 52 for tidal information and page 50 for saltwater trophy fish award info.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]All the rain and windy conditions over the past week put a damper on the fishing and cooled off the water pretty quickly. However, with a break in the weather fall fishing should get back into high gear.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]STRIPED BASS and BLUEFISH fishing is good and will only get better as the fall season progresses. Look for a lot of top water action as stripers and bluefish feed on schools of peanut bunker! Find the birds and you will find the fish. The usual fishing spots include the Watch Hill reefs, Ram Island Reef, the Race, Plum Gut, Thames River, Millstone Point, Bartlett Reef, Black Point, the humps south of Hatchett Reef, Long Sand Shoal, Connecticut River breakwater to White Sands Beach, Cornfield Point, Southwest Reef, Sixmile Reef, the reefs off Madison and Branford, New Haven Harbor, Milford Harbor breakwaters to Charles Island and Milford Point, Housatonic River, Penfield Reef, and around the Norwalk Islands.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]SNAPPER BLUEFISH fishing remains good along the coastline with snappers approaching 12 inches in length.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]Summer flounder (fluke) fishing is on the slow side. Montauk Pt, NY is your best bet. Scup (porgies) fishing is rated good to excellent in LIS at all the major reefs and wrecks.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]BLACKFISH (tautog) fishing is good to excellent on the major reefs and will continue to improve as the water temperatures cool down. [#ff0000]PLEASE REMEMBER, “CULLING” OR “HIGH GRADING” ONCE THE CREEL LIMIT HAS BEEN REACHED IS PROHIBITED.[/#ff0000] [/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]HICKORY SHAD fishing is fair to good in the Niantic River, Connecticut River and Clinton Harbor.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]LITTLE TUNNY and ATLANTIC BONITO fishing is heating up. Your best chances are at Plum Gut, the Sluiceway, the Race, Pine Island area off the Thames River, and between Millstone Point and Pleasure Beach in Waterford.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#ff0000]PLEASE NOTE: [url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/burnatr/fishing/marineinfo/saltregs.htm#scup"]SCUP[/url] FISHING CLOSES NOVEMBER 1ST[/#ff0000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#ff0000]Please see the [/#ff0000][url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/burnatr/fishing/marineinfo/saltregs.htm"]Current Marine Fisheries Recreational Regulations[/url][#0080ff] [/#0080ff][#ff0000]page for the latest regulations on common saltwater fish species or download t[b]he [url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/burnatr/fishing/pdf.htm"]2005 Marine Fisheries Brochure[/url]. [/#ff0000][/b][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#009999]Interested in participating in the Marine Volunteer Angler Survey? Please see page 41 of the 2005 CT [url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/burnatr/fishing/fishinfo/angler.htm"]Angler’s Guide[/url] for contact information. Your participation is critical to effective fisheries management of your marine fishery resources. Thank you.[/#009999][/font] [center][font "Times New Roman"][url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/burnatr/fishing/weekly/fishadv.htm"]Weekly Fishing Report[/url] | [url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/burnatr/index.htm"]Bureau of Natural Resources[/url][/font][/center] [font "Arial"][size 2][url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/index.htm"]Home[/url] | [url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/aboutdep/contact/contact.htm"]Contact Us[/url] | [url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/search2.htm"]Search[/url] | [url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/survey/survey.htm"]Feedback[/url] | [url "http://www.dep.state.ct.us/legal.htm"]Website Legal Info[/url][/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2]Send comments or questions regarding this site to[/size][#800000][size 2] [url "mailto:dep.webmaster@po.state.ct.us"]dep.webmaster@po.state.ct.us[/url][/size][/#800000][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2]Copyright 1998-2004 Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection[/size][/font]