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any motels/hotels near Bear Lake?
Anyone know where a guy could get a room around Bear Lake? I planning a trip for the salsa party but we want to stay for sunday as well.

There are several motels in Garden City, can't think of the names right now, but I would guess this time of year getting a room shouldn't be too difficult.
We stayed at the canyon cove inn last weekend, $40/night with AAA rate. It is on the north side of the road right before you get to the stop sign in Garden City
Thanks, do either of you guys have a phone number or e-mail address?
I wouldn't really think I would ned a reseravtion, but who knows.
Stay at Canyon cove. Don't stay at the motor lodge, You would be better of in a tent then there.
Canyon Cove: 435-946-3565
Bear Lake Motor Lodge: 435-946-2791
Harbor Village: 435-946-3448

Canyon Cove is my recommendation too!
Thanks for the info.
The [url ""]Bear Lake Convention & Visitors Bureau[/url] web site has a great list of places to stay.

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