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Float tubing book
Reading some of the older post you talk about a book you wrote or are writting on float tubing. Where can I get a copy of it? I'm a newbe to float tubing so anything I can read on this sport would really help out.
Thanks, Gabby
[cool][#0000ff]I am in the process of doing some final editing over this winter. I hope to get it into print by mid year 2006. If you will send me a Private Message (PM) with your personal email address, I will be happy to send you some of the chapters that will help you move up the learning curve a bit faster. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I started the book over 25 years ago, and have done complete rewrites on it several times, to reflect the changes in the industry. Believe me, there have been a lot of (positive) changes since I started tubing almost 50 years ago (yeah, I'm that old).[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I am attaching a summary (which also needs updating), the Introduction and the first chapter..."SERIOUS SYSTEM". Let me know which of the other chapters you would like first.[/#0000ff]

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