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deer creek almost wasnt hot
Went to Deer Creek today from 1-4. started off at wallsburg, nothing, not even a bite, my car got stuck in the snow, some kind civilian pulled over after we flagged him down, so he got us out. decided i didnt like the smell of the skunk in the air. decided to try a place i have never tried. we went to the first boat harbor nearest the dam. cant remember the name of it. we went down by the boat launch. first cast and i got a bite, missed him. fished there for another 30 minutes no action. i was about to give up, but i decided to walk 50 yards North of where i was fishing and try. i casted my powerbait, yeah, i am usually a artificial lure only guy. i had my line out for only 30 seconds and i got a slam. i hooked her, she was 19 inches and full of eggs. second cast after that 1 minute latter bam, caught another 19 inch female. third cast 3 or 4 minutes later, bam caught a 14 inch. we ended up catching 7 between my brother and I. I will post the pics tomorrow, if i can get the digital camera, hooked up. we also missed about 5 a piece. if you go use rainbow colored powerbait.
I wish is wasn't hot.... I wish DC was so cold it froze!!!

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