01-07-2006, 02:11 PM
I made my very first trip ever to Strawberry and had a very enjoyable day. Ended up landing 3 cutts 2 in the slot and a 22 1/4 inch snake that went back in the hole. It was my second fish and was hoping for a fatter one LOL. Didn't see to many people catching fish. Started out right in front of the little shack at the marina in about 19 feet of water. Marked a few fish and had one come look at my bait but no takers. Then moved about halfway out to the point on the left and punched about 10 holes looked with the finder and didn't mark any fish. Moved again when I saw somebody land 2 in about 10 minutes. Set up about 40 yards from him in 35 feet of water and hooked up almost instantly on one then got the big one about 10 minutes after the first. Got the first 2 on darker chartreuse or green whattacrikets. Had about 5 self releases on same rig and also a lime green jig head with a white shrimpo tail. Landed the last one as sun was setting on a orange jig head with a glow shrimpo tail. Used wax worms and and meal worms. All fish I landed were on wax worms though. The slush has pretty mush frozen solid so no wet feet. Good luck guys and thanks for all the reports they helped me out. The road into mud creek was plowed but very narrow and had a little snow built up at the turn off so didn't try it in my minivan. Road into the marina was good though.