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Hows everyone doing on the webbed feets forum? Btw,, whats all this tubin' stuff about and where can I catch one?? [Wink]

Hey ol' buddy looks like your doin' a fine job of keeping the doors open. I thought I'd best jump over here and see if I can get your blood sturred up,, just for kicks. Btw, I hear tell theres snow on the mountain tops and ice on the ponds in your area. If your not carefull someone my coax you out the door and you'll get a cold butt. [laugh]
[cool][#0000ff]Hey, rabblerouser, who let you past the gate? I thought we had screens to keep out the hard water crowd.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Always a pleasure to have ya drop in, ol' buddy. Since I can't go floatin' I guess we will just have to go drillin' and chillin' this Friday. Lookin' forward to it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We gotta do some tubin' on Huntington this year...or you guys can take the tin boat and I can paddle around in the vacinity.[/#0000ff]
Rabblerouser?? Me?? Naw,,, LMAO!!
Hey you should know by now gates wont keep me out, after all I know how to put power tools to use. Whats more, I also know how bribes work. Of course most of the bribes I pass out came from your tackle supply. Those guards know a good thing when they see it..

Amen to tapping Huntington when soft water season is upon us.. Those little fellers are fiesty and fun on the fishing rod.. Its said a fella spends 50 years trying to make jingle and the next 20 years trying to make water. Man I dont have a problem making water while sittin' in the U boat so I'll be the feller sittin' in the old Green Gobblin..

Yes we'll be drillin' on Friday but with temps predicted to be around 40* I dont know how much chillin' we'll do. Thats almost tanning weather [Wink]
I'm lookin' forward to it also...
[cool][#0000ff]Hey Don, doncha know that if you are going to be wearing waders you gotta plan ahead. Limit your "liquid intake" both the night before and on the way to the lake. If ya don't, you'll either have to be wearing Depends or make more trips to the bank. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I figure I will be needing "fudd diapers" soon enough, so I limit my intake.[/#0000ff]
Yeah I do, lol, but donchga know some of us cant find the front door in the morning without downin' a pot of coffee first?

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