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late "non"-report...
i had to do my time this weekend!!! [unimpressed]

I hit the banks above Cheatam dam...and i must say...i had very poor success. I tried every thing i had in the box..and the fishes said..."um, i don't think so"...had only 2 hits in many hours of casting and retrieving.

I will say that i had something very large on...briefly. It hit a small white and chartrues spinner bait.....

Whatever it was, bent my rig very hard and seemed like it did the head jerk thang, then my line went limp. After examing my cut me off...guessing a gar. Do flathead catfish had the ability to cut threw 12 lb test?

Was most awesome out on the banks, the summer crew have yet to show up in i had the strong current (spillways were open at the dam) and a bunch of sun to enjoy...wish the catching had been better, but the fishing was most excellent.

Haven't done much up at the dam yet. We spent all day tuesday on the lock side. Water was still running heavy with the gates open. We were there for a day out in the park, did a bit of fishing and had a good time. White bass were biting good and the crappie fishermen were out in force. We saw a few nice crappie caught but that was about it. The gates are closed now according to the corps site so the water level should be settling back to normal soon (I hope).

My dad and I have been doing most of our fishing up at the steamplant. Best day so far was 2 sundays ago, he managed to land an 18 pounder, then the damn thing shook and landed his lure into the back of my times. We have tried midnight bites, morning, evening, daytime bites and they just seem to be biting randomly there. There is a small window in the morning as the sun comes up and about 30 minutes as the sun goes down they seem to bite pretty regular from what we have seen. The best method right now it seems in using live shad and a plain hook off the middle of the wall. We just let them swim around on top past the boiling current untill the stipers come along. Some people are catching smaller ones with lures and my dads big one was caught on a popper but as far as numbers, most are being caught on shad right now. Not many white bass being caught there from what we have seen and tried but the yellow bass are in pretty heavy. Going to try another morning bite tomorrow and see what happens.
say, Is any one gitting over to any part of dale hallow?
you know davet, i really mean to go over there some time. But, there are so many places closer that offer so many different kinds of comes down to a..." I am going to dale hollow" and blowing off everything else between.

I used to live in Cookeville...some 20 years ago, and i just wasn't into fishing as much back then (i did fish)....had the wife and young daughter thang goin on. I look at a lot of maps and think back...WOW i could have fished that place every weekend! such is life, ehh?

I'm closer to Old Hickory, J.P.Priest and Center could spend years just exploring any one of those. It's good to have such problems to deal with tho! lol

every man should have that problem...[cool]

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