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well i was out one time fishing and saw a live duck hung up above me about 15 ft high in a old trot line someone didnt bring in when the water went down.scared the carp out of me when it started makeing all kind of noise .but i released it un harmedput a anti infective and bandade on it and let it go. went fishing when i was a kid and caught a whole stringer of fish .. i know its sounds like i had a good day of fishing but i caught a stringer full of somebody elses fish that they lost and left behind swimming in the water. thought i was hung up and when i got it in it was serveral bass, crappie,and 3 bream. first time i ever caught that many good fish at the same time what a surprise .
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[black][size 3]I caught a shopping cart once - used a nymph under a bubble. It was quite a battle but, I got it ashore. I was on my bike at the time so I filleted off part of it and released the rest of it unharmed in a dumpster nearby. [/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]I still have that part and use it as a rod stand and holder when I go out camping and fishing. [/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]Here's an action shot.[/size][/black]
[inline 2003_0409Image0018RR.JPG]
[inline 2003_0409Image0021RR.JPG]
[black][size 3]My next best was a Mallard decoy I got with a jig and plastic - I got him netted and took him home with me. I just couldn't bring myself to fillet him though. So, I released him in my back yard.[/size][/black]
[inline 2005_1101Image0023R.JPG]
[inline 2005_1101Image0022R.JPG]
[black][size 3]Also at a BFT flotilla fishing event, I netted (BFT)Bassackwards' tackle box as it floated aimlessly out in the open water of Willard Bay. Apparently, he was on his toon and unbeknownst to him, it had fallen off at some point, and it had drifted in the current for a couple of hours before I found it bobbing in the waves as it floated by my watercraft. [/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]It looked like a keeper so I took it home and posted it on the Utah board hoping that it belonged to one of the many BFTers that were there that day. He claimed it and identified all of the contents, so, I released it unharmed to him. [/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]No photos of it. However, I think he might have filleted himself over letting that one almost get away. [/size][/black]
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I think the weirdest thing i've ever caught was an Oregon State liscens plate. Mind you, i'm in South Carolina. How the heck did that thing get in the river? [  ]
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a few weeks ago i caught a pretty decent trolling rod. cleaned it up and it looked great! i took my uncle fishing over the weekend and let him use my new rod. well, the first fish he caught made us realize that the gears are screwed up. it brings in line about every other reel and then slips. he got the fish in, but it took a while! still a good rod though. (and i'll use the reel for parts)
ive caught tons of rapalas, flatfish, steel line, lead line, etc. when youre dragging the bottom for macs you bring up some interesting things. (and leave plenty behind too![mad])
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I caught a can of cat fish while trolling for walleye. it had made a home out of a tin paps blue ribbon can, growning to the lenth of the can, no telling how long it was in the can. I ripped the can in half and released the cat fish and kept the can....
note Tin paps blue ribbon can. any one here remember the last time they bottoled beer in tin cans?
I caught a bikkini top once, you should have seen what got away.... [angelic]
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From my recollection, the tin can beers were faded out in the mid to late 70s. It wasn't till the early 80s that they were able to convert the pull tops to the "Safety" kind from the removeable ones.[cool]
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I caught a Home Depot logo bowling ball.
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had a buddy of mine catch me one time in the back with a rooster tail but i got away he was fishing on the other side of the little hill when i was casting out i felt a tug on my back and almost fell over then i realized i was hooked he was still tring to pull the lure when i hollered to him that he want hung that he had me instead.took him 2 years to go fishing with anyone after that then i hooked him but thats another
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I can remember the pull tab alluminum cans, we used to make chains out of the pull tabs. and man did you have to watched where you walked bare around a red necks house, there were more tabs than there was grass....LOL Pull tab and cigerett butts....[sly]
yah, ya should have seen the chicken running arond the farm with cigerett buts in their lips....[shocked][laugh] NO JOKE... LOL
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Caught a turtle this weekend.
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I havent cought anything but fish. I do have a paps blue riben :Orange Soda: can from back when they made soda, that is also a tin can.
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turtles are fun,
they can be a challange to remove the hook with out hurting them as well.
depending on the type you are pulling in, they can be taisty [  ]
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I heard that there are several different flavors associated with a turtles' anatomy. Is there any truth to that?
And how do you cook turtle? Doesn't sound very inticing. Ofcourse, I didn't think froglegs would be any good, and they were. I just don't think I could stomach them if I watched them get cleaned. (same with a turtle)
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doing turtles.
it is not as bad as it sounds, time consumnig yes. figure about 2 hours and 45 minutes.
that is 2 hours hainging time and 45 minutes to clean if you know what you are doing.
and it takes as long to clean a 5 pound turtle as it dose to clean a 35 pound turtle...
they say a turtle has seven different flavors of meat.
this is and isnt true, more so that it can be prepaired just like seven different flavors of meet.
I like suthern fried turtle, its as taisty as any chicken I ever et.
my favorite method of prepairing it is to make a farmers stew with carrots potatos zukini and summer squash brochlie colliflower a couple ears of sweet sumer corn with the curnels cut then scraped off the cob onions and if I am fealing like haveing a casiroll I will thow in sweet peas and a hand full of chopped cabage, since I dont grow celery that is up to you. I then use cream of mushroom soup for my cream sause.
I do have to presure cook it before prepairing it. @ 15 pounds of presure for about 15 minutes. Then I debone, from there you can use any meat recipe in the book. from fish to calm to chicken pork beef, it will complement most any seasoning you throw at it.... I have to admit the only seasoning I use is salt and pepper and maybe a shot of garlic poweder.
once you eat one you will understand why some turtles around the world are on the endangered list. Where it might be against the law to go after some species of turtles for united states residents there are other people who still see them as food and go after them.
I love frog legs, keeping them in the pan when cooking them can be a bit of a chalange, I can say if you like frog legs you will love turtle...
last time I made turtle stew I had one big enough to make a 3 gallon pot, I shared it with the guys at work who of corse never taisted turtle, there were no left overs...
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Well, if we're ever in the general neighborhood, if you make it, i'll try it. I just don't want to be around for the preperation. [  ]
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fresh off the press, well with in the last 6 hours,
some gall named Surie was fishing on the detroit river and pulled up a Bucky!
a Bucky is the haunted house term for a human skull.
she called the police and thay came out and found more bones and weppons to boot.
Police said there is no way for them to determin off hand how long the bones have been down there and since they are near a sewer drain there is no way of telling where it came from....
but since the bucky has its top teeth still in place there is a chance they will be able to determine who it is. I wonder if it is o'l Jimmy?
there is no telling what a fisherman will turn up next....
seems like this is the year for the waters to turn up its dead... I could sure be happy to pull up one of them chest from Davey Jones' locker [cool]
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[size 1] Quote:[size 1]some gall named Surie was fishing on the detroit river and pulled up a Bucky!
a Bucky is the haunted house term for a human skull. [/size]
[/size] [font "Times New Roman"][#ff4040][size 3]Now that's bizarre![/size][/#ff4040][/font]
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This is not too bizarre, but I was trolling a bottom bouncer with a worm harness for walleye, when I snagged and lost the gear. A week later I was trolling the same area and hooked the lost bottom bouncer through the metal eye. I was using the identical gear and I thought I was seeing double when the previous lost setup was attached to the end of my line.
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We have an area in one of the Harbors where I fish alot that is called the Rudder Room. It got it's name from a boat that lost it's steering ability due to an object tha was jammed in his rudder.
Upon inspection, it turned out to be a human body that was floating and got stuck. Other bodies have turned up on a frequent basis.[cool]
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[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]A couch. Unfortunately there wasn't a mermaid sleeping on it.[/size][/green][/font]