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Has anyone visited Ririe to see if the fish are hungry yet?
Welcome back.
I haven't fished Ririe yet but will tell you a few things that I know. Ririe had a heavy run off and is muddy. The area around the dam probably isn't muddy but I don't know for sure. A few days ago it filled completely full for the first time in at least a couple years (don't remember last time it was completely full, if someone knows the last time it filled up I would like to know) There is probably a fair amount of floating debris so be careful if you are in a boat.
I fished it opening day (May 1st) about 10 years ago. I was fishing around Blacktail and the mid section of the reservoir. Even though the water was off color we did fairly well on some trout as well as a few kokanee.
Maybe someone else has an up to date fishing report that they will post. Good luck if you get out.
Welcome to the board. Well Ririe is really pretty right now. I went out there May 2nd and the water was way up and beautiful. It wasn't really too muddy. I fished it for about 2 hours from shore. Shore fishing is really hard right now because there is no place to walk because the water is covering the normal rocks that line the res. I didn't see many people and the one that I talked to hadn't caught a fish. I left catching the biggest fish I have caught out of there. It was a 23inch fat cutthroat. I didn't know there were fish like that in there. I am used to catching the 13-16 inch cutts and the 8-16 inch koke but I was really surprised to see such a big fat cutthroat. I call it random luck. But I guess there are still a few big ones in there. I know that there is at least one still. [Smile] I think the fishing should be really good for the next few weeks. Good luck if you go there.

I took my son for an hour before dark on Friday. We had a hard time finding a good place to fish because the water is up so high. I guess that is a good problem to have. [Wink] We only had one bite and I missed it. But like I said we did not fish long.

I talked to a friend who trolled it three times last week. He said it was hot on Monday and then slowed down as the week went on. They are just long lining wobblers in yellow with red diamonds. I think he caught over 30 on Monday morning and then 8 on Friday morning. So maybe the lake is starting to turn over? This high water will really improve the perch fishing in the next year or so. There are plenty of water covered bushes for the fry to hide in.

A 23" cutt is a really nice fish where ever you catch it. In the mid and late 90's I fished Ririe 10-20 days a year. I have never caught a 20"+ trout out of Ririe. However, I have pulled a few nice suckers out there.[Wink]

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