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deer creek memorial day report(day late. oops)
so i was in slc for the holiday with intentions to fish all weekend. hooray for weather!!!! finally got out yesterday and headed up to jordanelle. for some reason we kept driving and went to deer creek. tried the inlet for a bit. too fast and murky. went to go launch off the rocks just past the charleston turnoff but we didn't get the memo that there was gonna be a parade going on there so we went to the island and surprisingly there were very few people there. lanched the tubes and go to fishin. now because of the weather and the cool water temps i had decided to fish for these things called "trout" apparently they are a game fish. i havent caught, nor attempted to catch a trout for a long time. i dont really even own much trout oriented tackle anymore. we started throwing rapalas and on my second cast i had a hit. 2 more casts i had one on!!! felt like a planter bow. couple turns of the reel and he shook it. never saw him. then wham!! a good hit and at the same time my bro-in-law gets hooked up too. we had a double!!! get em in and we had .................two nice little smallies!!! bout 12 to 14". sent em back home and casted again and wham!!! two more!!!! thought this was gonna be a great day!!! well after that, nothing. well thats not entirely true, there was lots and lots of wind. texas rigged a senko and let the wind troll me and got lots of bites but they musta been small fish cuz they just bit the end off of it after a bit. couldnt reach the hook. oh well, the troutless streak is alive!!!!! and my no skunk streak is still in tact as well was nice to do some northern utah fishin. be back next week and i think jordanelle is callin my name....sorry no pics, forgot the camera...
[cool]Nice report. I wonder if those small little hits you kept getting were perchies? If so, that's good news to hear that they must be spawning well with this high water of the past two years...
ya i thought they might be some perchies too but since i couldnt hook one i have no idea...........

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