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In The Realm Of Utah ...
What is it with this state? [sly][sly]

The fishing regulations are so much different then the other states I have been in. The anglers here are different in ways you couldn't imagine.
You can't even find a good ol' bait shop that's open at 5:00am.
Everything here is jacked up.

Fishing is not supposed to be a hard thing to do. Live bait is something you can use in almost every state in the union ... except jacked-up Utah.[sly] The DWR has rules for rules and regs for regs. It seems as though they are trying too hard. I run fishing contests ... and just to hold a friggin tournament, contest or event costs 100.00 plus 10.00 per boat per day and that's not including the friggin entrance fees. It seems as if the folks on the hill don't like anglers. Or they just want our friggin money. This is just the tip of the iceberg! Either way ... it's jacked up.[sly]

Even our message boards are jacked up. [sly] We have hundreds of anglers who get on the boards to find out the next place to go ... submit there reports and get hammered by others who have strong opinions and want to make the world know that there way is the right way. This is so jacked up. I am willing to be that there are folks out there who frequent this board and won't post a thing because of their fear of getting hammered by others.

We've got old salty-dog fisherman who seem to be the experts because they hammer everyone they chat with. They do this by correcting them, "setting them straight" and dis-crediting them. It's almost mental abuse and it's like "keeping the man down".
Man, this is jacked up.

Where can a guy go to relieve stress from the daily grind, post a message and even surprise a few folks and not get hammered? Why can't we create an environment in Utah that is do-able for all anglers?

Venting can be fun!
How about you folks? What do you want to vent about? Without hammering eachother that is.
Just relax UTBASS and have a good time at the tourney this weekend, meet some new people, and let's have a good time, the weather is suppose to be great. You are asking questions about the regs here that have been asked for years. I don't blame the Conservation Officers for doing their jobs and in many cases I feel sorry for them as they have nothing to do with making the regs. but are required to enforce them in the field. They are the ones that take the verbal abuse in the field not the people sitting in their offices who come up with some of these ridiculas rules. These so called outdoorsmen are oriented towards doing all they can towards promoting a trout fishery and don't worry much about the people that love to fish the warm water species. It isn't just Uath either. Several waters in Montana and Wyoming have a 20 limit a day walleye with 40 in possession. Alot of their lakes don't allow live bait such as minnows either. Have a great day and we will see you tommorrow at the driver's meeting.[Smile]
What is it with this state? [sly][sly] It seems as if the folks on the hill don't like anglers. Or they just want our friggin money. [/reply]

Now that i agree with! Its all about revenue, they just want their slice (even if it is a big slice!).
I guess my vent would be in the Mismanagement catagorie. People making the rules and regs that do not hunt or fish, and do not really seem to care about the average sportsman. The recent closure of fishermens access to the weber river along I-84 now has limited public access to fish that stretch, the only other way in to some favorite holes now is tresspass. I guess its a fine way to get the license fee and also fine $. Mabey iff they ever finish the proposed weber river walkway and tie it into the ogder river parkway we will get more access again but until then guess i'll just drive up to Taggert and Hennifer.

Hey it does feel good to vent HeHe!
it is always nice to vent, but not at the expense of others.
have a nice day and a fun tournament.
[Wink]Does someone need a hug..... Just relax a bit and think of the few good thing(s) Utah DWR has done. 20 years ago Utah didn't know what a bass was, let alone plant any. If you get completely overwhelmed and just can't stand it anymore, then you can always move to another state and deal with their problems. Utah is a great state, it has it's problems, but then they all do.

Remember, the next time you catch a sm or lm bass that Utah has embraced this fish enough to give them a place in their waters.
Tell me what they have done for the walleye fishery in this state, You brag about their bass program in the state, that's all good but if you don't follow the catch and release policy you are looked down upon. I like to eat some of the fish I catch. [mad]
Sorry brotha! I just wanted to vent about the twisted ways this state is ran.
Maybe we need to all go to a R.A.C. meeting the DWR is having on fishing and make some suggetions. This how they know what is working and what is not.
My complaint is having to spend the same to register my canoe as it costs to register a boat of the same year. Talk about ripe off. I hate it for the poor fool that buys a new pontoon boat and wants to put a motor on it and has to pay the same fee as a new 35' cabin cruiser.
Just my two cents.
Cliffie Boy, you need a allday fishing trip and a 24 pack of bud.
yea I know alot of the rules and regs do suck here and no early morning bait shops sucks. we need a bait shop the sells live bait, not minnows (yet) still illegal, but waterdogs, crawdads, worms and what ever else we can fish with here.
It seems like, when the dwr tries to do good for a lake/ res they are a little too late and end up spending way more then they needed to if it could have been taken care of in the first place.
now my here's my real vent, people that drive slower then the flow of traffic on bangter hwy need to use another road. just keep up with the car in front of you, it's not too hard to do. later chuck

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