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Battery for electric trolling motor
Just picked up an old canoe with an electric trolling motor. It didn't come with a battery, and I'm not sure what size/type to get. Is there a standard battery for trolling motors, or will it depend on the size and type of motor? I can't remember off the top of my head what brand it is, but any tips or help would be appreicated. Can't wait to get it on the water and try her out. It has 4 speeds and forward and reverse.
[black]There is no standard size to get, just the more amps the longer you will have power to run your electric trolling motor. You want to puchase a 12 volt deep-cycle battery.[/black]
[black]Tarponjim uses his electric trolling motor almost daily, and here is his advice:[/black]
[black]"Wal-Mart sells a completely sealed one with an 18 month free replacement if it fails, for about 80 bucks. I get between 300 and 400 re-charges out of 'em, using them daily in summer heat and sub-zero winter, and they're group 29, 875 CCA, leak-free powerhouses."[/black]
[size 1][/size]
PS -- never leave the battery uncharged for any longer than absolutely necessary.
The group 27 EverStart deep-cycle that wal mart sells would probably meet your needs, and weighs less than the larger group 29 series that I use. Be sure to secure the battery centered so that it can't slide in the canoe and create an off-balance situation.
I have used the Trojan brand sold at sports warehouse,they are a little pricie,but last quite a while.Get a deep cycle,not a starting/deep cycle battery
I agree with TJ, Everstart runs my 54# thrust great and lasts all day as long as there isn't a constant wind and the price is reasonable. Anyways, no sense in buying a $200 battery that compares to an $80 battery (Everstart) take the remaining $120 and fill your tank to go fishing.
Thanks for the help. I hope to pick up a battery soon. If anyone else has some input, I'd appreciate it. I know some of you responded to a similar thread I posted on DWR site. Thanks

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