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Willard 7/7
Started out at the South Dock today around 7:00. Looked all over the lake for those willey wipers. They seemed to keep themselves hidden from me until about 10:30. Finally found them on the east side next to the freeway. No boil action but
there were a lot of fish stacked in there. Made 4 passes caught 4 wipers. As I was about to make another pass the Rec Boaters decided that this was now their play ground. So I
decided to call it a day. It was certainly a great day on the pond. Lipless Rapala at 2.8 to 3.2MPH seemed to do the trick.
Hope to get out there again before the weekend is over.
Thanks for the report I’ve been thing about a morning trip. I usually end up fishing the area along the freeway in the evening and hook up with a fish on almost every pass. You would think with all the space on the lake that the skiers wouldn’t have to ski around the areas with fishing boats.

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