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Fishing info for my visit to Seattle
I'm from the Utah board but I will be in the Seattle area on vacation the 3rd week of August.I would like to get out for a day of fishing (saltwater).Could anyone recommend a charter outfit in the Seattle area.My preference would be bottomfish and salmon (if they are in season).I would really like to get up to Anacortes or Westport but I'm too lazy too get up that early to drive there! Thanks[Smile]
The tuna is really heating up out at Westport, along with Salmon. I've always fished with "The Ranger" there (Ocean Charters). Seattle area bottom fish maybe a tough one, but I think there will be some area's open for salmon. Here's a link with local charters and guides that may give you enough info that you need. I also know of a few local Seattle fishing forums that can probably help you with more precise details if you would like them. The Lake Washington sockeye season is on now, but will be closing real soon.
Here's some charters/Guides:
[url ""][/url]
Thanks for the link.Maybe I'll try to get up to Westport.How long a drive is that from Seattle?
If you are staying downtown Seattle, Mapquest puts Westport at 2+ hours, that would make a early morning. So I asked around and several friends recommended [url ""][/url] which is located in Everett, just a few miles north of Seattle. They do the bottom fishing thing and Salmon. But you will have to explore their site to see what's available for fishing.
Any more questions feel free to ask, I do live in Idaho, but I have buddies all over Washington.
Thanks EZOP! I sent e-mails to the links you gave me to get some specifics.

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