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Lake Hayward, East Haddam.
Hit the water at 6 and tried the top water, nothing. Switched over to beavers and Bob brought two to the boat before they spit the hook. He changed that hook real quick. I got a 13" on a black beaver in 8ft of water, then switched to a watermelon worm By maniac and a nice one grabbed it.When it jumped out of the water it looked REAL nice. Boated it and was to be my best to date at 5.03lbs and 21 1/2". Took a drop shot rig out of it's mouth as well as my worm and released it.[ someone needs to learn how to tie a good knot] That may explain the small stomach and big head.
nice job,and got some hardwarealso.dont forget it is august,the bass are skinny,now it feeding time ,to fatten up for winter
Skinny, I thought with that head he was on Weightwatchers.LOL He did tire out easy, Maybe he can eat better now.
what did you do to your knee?
Had a vericose vein lasered tuesday, have to keep it wrapped up for awhile.
Nice job Buddy! One more like that and you are in the front of the boat[Wink] Bob
No never, the big ones are in the back. [url ""][Image: 36_1_19.gif][/url]

[url ""][Image: sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb092&pp=ZNxdm801BNUS][/url]

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