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Rockcliff 8/14
Tried to get FB2 out of bed this morning to so a little fishing at Rockcliff. No way was that kid getting up. So I headed over there without him but left an open invatation to join me.

Got there are 9 (unexpected day off) was on the water by 9:15. Marking fish everywhere! No takers until I got out by the brush. Tons and tons of 3 to 5 in perch. Each pass around this the wood pile would produce a little smallie .. 10 to 12 in. So I kep circleing the pile. Between smallies it was perch heaven. The jigs were larger than the perch!! 4" curly tails 1/8th and 1/16th oz heads. White and green on the heads. Then a boat fisherman showed up and started tossing into the brush. Lady luck was not smiling on those two today. But it improved my fishing, started catching a bit larger bass, up to 14 in now. But they had no real heft to them. Then FB2 shows up grabs my tube and leaves to air it up.
Water temp was 70 on arival and was now up to 73 (just after noon). Wind was steady and breezy all day with some serious burst. Tough fishing from a float always working to maintain position. The perch where still dinks!! FB2 tosses a jig and BAM an 11 incher right off. After that the sz of the perch improved but NO 2 pounders today. Noy even a 1 pounder but close. Well FB2 ran out of everything (what happens when you quit fishing and can't find your gear). So I gave him some Manaic 2" white w/ black speckles. From that point on no more perch for him, all he could catch was bass. Poor kid my heart bleeds for him. I can't swear but I think he ended up with 6 before the wind blew us off the lake a 3. Oh yeah he didn't bring any flippers and was barefootin it LOL. When the wind got bad I gave him my fins and went to the oars. I don't know how many perch I ended up with Kept 2 for dinner and had 4 smallies and 1 largermouth for the day. BTW that is the 1st largermouth I have ever taken from LakeX. And for all the doubting Thomases out there. DWR has posted a sign listing all the speices you can catch in Jordanelle, Walleye are now on that list. Well thats the lastest from the little pond all in all a great day fishing with the son again!
[cool][#0000ff]Great report Marty. Glad you made good use of your "play day". Sorry you didn't get into those 2# perch. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I'm a bachelor next week so if you got a spot on your dance card, let me know and we will do something foolish.[/#0000ff]
Thanks for the report.... On a side note, what are you doing up this early TD? [Wink]
Great report. It sounds like you had a good outing yesterday. Sorry that no 2 lb. perch were caught.[Wink] Those 3-4 inchers have been present in high numbers in the back of Rock Cliffs the last couple of trips there and have been a pain. It looks like I will give it a shot again on Friday morning. Can't wait!
If 9 am is too early-----sheesh!!!! [Tongue][crazy][cool]
Not too early for me. I had already been to work did what I needed to do and was home before 8. FB2 on the other hand seems to have trouble finding the floor most mornings. Me thinks hes going to be an evening fisherman. He learned a long time ago theres some big fish on the prowl at sunset and into the darkness. Wait I hear it too ........ it's the darkside calling.
Hey doggone I haven't posted about LakeX this year because it has been so disapointing. Was great right at iceoff and then just went small ... everywhere on the lake for me. I've had hundred fish days but ya can't use whole perch as bait LOL. But the bigger perch are starting to show up now and it will only get better from here out.
Thanks for the report,my last day up there drop-shoting was way slow.Going to try it in the morning like you

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