08-18-2006, 02:01 AM
Went out to try a new area suggested by TD on the North shore, As usual, got there about noon and started walking to TD's bay, further than I thought, but launched and started fishng "his bay". Nothing, I figure too shallow. [unimpressed] Headed around the point to head into S. Fork and picked up a few in deeper water. Wind kicked up and I figured I could go around into S. Fork and get out of the wind and fish deeper water. Well, there were about 10 folks camped on the shore with a big boat blocking so I thought it would be best to turn around and try another day. Headed back, crossed TD's bay and decided to fish back along the north shore back towards the truck. Of course the wind died down and I just meandered back along the shore. Ended up catching 9 cookies cutter 14 in.smallies that fought like heck.[
] Half way back I hooked into a Tiger that jumped about 2 mi. up and then sounded and broke off my 6# line in bottom brush after about 20 sec. [unsure] Right after that Spaky met another neutered male Golden swimming with a boat fisherman and immedately tried to hump him in the water.[shocked] Sparky ain't neutered. He finally settled down and they romped for awhile until we parted. So, -----------------, a good time was had by all.[
