09-01-2006, 06:47 AM
I see aother storm is on top of you...
![[Image: 2.jpg]](http://www.bxcu.com/joke/picjoke/jokeimages/200501/2.jpg)
![[Image: 2.jpg]](http://www.bxcu.com/joke/picjoke/jokeimages/200501/2.jpg)
ready for round two?
09-01-2006, 06:47 AM
I see aother storm is on top of you...
![]() [signature]
09-02-2006, 09:28 AM
As of 5:30 sat. it isn't much but rain. The forecasters have changed their minds on this every 12 hours. Updates in the morning.[
![]() [signature]
09-02-2006, 12:08 PM
not much rain here ,some wind though.like gregg said they are changing the forcast every time i see it
09-03-2006, 05:41 AM
we got some rain out of this system, just enough to not get the ground wet, the cool air set in behind it, dropped down to 60 quick.
09-03-2006, 10:54 AM
We got some good wind in the past 24 hours and some rain, but we dodged the bullet on this storm. Should clear for us by noon and sunny monday. Now I have to fix my leaky chimney again. [unsure] Clean out the lousey garden I had this year.
09-03-2006, 04:26 PM
My garden too received a lot of neglect and some abuse this year,
spending all my energy on putting a new roof on my house is the cause of the neglect and abuse. drawing all my strenth, I could not tend my garden thus reducing its yeald by about 50 percent. If that wasnt enough while doing the roof I contaminated and killed my main crop of pole beans with aspestos. ustimatly making that part of my crop useless, well almost useless, for in contaminating it as a food sorce it provides an oppertunity to produce seed stock for next year.[ ![]() My garden did produce enough feed on this summer just nothing to put in the freezer for winter. having faith in god, knowing in my heart he will provide me with all that I need, that there is a reason. I do have to admit, with the neglect and abuse my garden is still a impressive to see, sweet corn 12 feet tall, tomatos 7 feet tall, a dozen pumpkins, all the summer and zukini squash I can eat and give away. a few beans from the other side of the garden from what plants the vampire bunnies did not suck the life out of. all with the lack of watering. I usualy go to the lake to draw water all summer long to feed my garden. now that the rains have set back in, my garden will go back in to production mode again. I will still have a month of picking beans and tomatos untill frost, then I will draw everything in. well after halloween, I need my corn for my halloween display this year, I have to put up a couple scare crows in the corn. what would be realy neet is if I could come across a half dozen little suzzy dolls, turn a couple in to boys, dress them up and stick them in the corn patch in front of my house and across the road with some kid vocal recordings for a "children of the corn" theme.[shocked] I cant go to scary, actualy I have to go pretty tame this year, new neighbors with 3 & 4 year old boys. not that they will be playing in my yard, they do have to see it cause they live next to me, dont want them having nightmares on my account... as much as I love ice fishing, I am not ready to see the summer go, I did not get in any fishing this year.... no fish in the freezer... [signature]
09-03-2006, 11:46 PM
my garden has done very well this year.with bumper crop of tomatoes,silver queen corn summer squash,cuccumbers,and giant pumpkins.glad to hear your roof is done,now you can spend more time with the important things like fishing.
asbestos isnt harmfull if you eat it,its only harmful if you breath it.70% of the U.S. city water suppy is running through asbestos pipe,which is called transide pipe,some in the field of working with it call it paper pipe,due to it breaks very,very easily when it gets hit . i would have just washed them and do what you usually would have done [signature]
09-04-2006, 04:34 AM
well by the time I got around to harvesting them they were already seed stock...[angelic] I killed half the plants on that row by piling shingles next to thier roots. and my fat fanny pack fell on the fence the kintucky pole beans were growing on. stood it back up the best I could but the dammage was done.
it would be nice if I could spend more time on the improtant things like fishing, unfortunatly I am a waistfull person, I had to take out a lone against my house to fix my roof, and with out a job in the last 8 years its kind of hard to pay it back. this puts me in a position that one, I am still picking up shingles off the ground and filling my trash can and my neighbor trash can every week, I got the front side done this week, so I will spend 4 weeks on the back side now, It only takes a couple hours to fill up both cans. and secondly I am finding my self in the position that I need to find an income to pay for my new roof... Since I am no longer a viable commodity in the labor feild regardless to my education background and good looks. I find my self comming to the conclusion that if I want a job, I will have to buy one... This means retraining myself, (educating) in a feild where I can work when my health allows, work my own hours, to work in side or out side, work in one location or travel across the country, work with my hands, work with people, to work for proffet or non-proffet, work on my own. hot dog sheff.... I cant beleive the hoops, the ropes, the miles and miles of red tape, certifications involved, the licensing involved. On the up side, I am glad I decided to go through it, I got the time, and if I dont make it though I will have learned things that I never knew that affect me and every one in day to day living... so as long as I have my house on hock, I figured I might as well shoot for moon, weather I loose my house to a new roof or a new roof and a business venture the end result will be the same.... the payments are the same... so I will either float or sink if I do, I will surly sink if I dont.....[crazy] so at least I have a plan, its better than no plan at all and just sitting here waiting for the enevitable.... maybe the new roof is a blessing in descise, with out it I would still be thinking about what was oprah going to anoy me with day after day (on those days when I cant get on the water that is)... last winter with the no ice thing was a killer.... ya talk about your cabin feaver [pirate] the aspestos I was talking about is stuff you cant wash off, it's the pink panther fiberglass type insulation. those tiny fibers stick right in to the flesh of the bean, and me.... You ever get the itch after installing that stuff on a hot summer day? I hate itching from the inside....[ ![]() I got a look at my neighbors garden here about a week ago, boy, I thought I neglected my garden, I spent the whole day tilling his 20x70 garden, I could not beleive what I saw, he had a lawn between his plants! litterly he was taking a lawn mower and a weed whip to handle the weeds in the garden, grass growing right up to the vines/stems of his plants. granted there is a little weeding to do in may, june and the first half of july, but after that its clear sailing... I havent pulled a weed out of my garden since july 10th... there is no weeds in my garden... to say the least with 20 tomato plants he only got 4-6 tomatos on each plant insted of a half bushell. well when it comes to hunting morells this year, he beat me by about 1110. he found 1110 and I found 0... lol, Think I will stick to farming...LOL He dose fill his freezers with deer turkey and phesent every year, so I think he kinda sabatashed his wifes efforts....LOL he cant go hutning or fishing if there is no room in the freeser....LOL [sly][laugh][angelic][ ![]() he did come over to look at my garden several times and scratched his head and wondered why my tomato plants were 7 feet tall. that is what prompted me to go look at his garden. he spent a lot of time putting in an airigation system in his garden only to let it get strangled out by weeds. I know and pointed out to them why his plants are only 2 1/2 feet tall and spindly along with the rest of his plants in his garden. he told me next year he is going to buy plastic to put down between the rows.... I told him he was going to strangle out his plants that way as well, the deal is the roots need air. plants growing in their root space or plastic covering the roots is the same thing. he said he would cut holes for the plants, and I told him he would have to weed the holes even more than he would if he just went out an bought a hoe...LOL (city slickers....go figure)[laugh] aint life just a funny funny riddle...Thank god I was born a country boy.... well I told him for what he is going to spend on plants watering plastic and time he could for less money to go down to the farmers market/co-op and buy a pickup truck load of what ever he wanted in the way of vegitables if he wanted fresh. ya can buy vegies in bulk cans by the case for less than what he spent on his garden this year... he forgets when he goes back to work what it is like every year when he gets layed off for months at a time.... I am guilty of that from time to time as we all are, I guess it is human nature to forget the hard times, and if you never have experienced it you can never know the hardships, the pain, the stress... I spent 12 dollars on my garden this year, I bought 4 tomato plants, a bag of snail & slug killer, a couple packs of corn seed. the rest is all seed I have harvested from years past... I told them there only 4 reasons to put in a garden in today's time, 1. the enjoyment of it 2. a plot for wild game 3. just love the taist of freshly harvested vegitables 4. to save a dollar. and finialy but dosnt qualify as a ligitimate reason....... 5. just to say you put one in every year...LOL I get a kick out of those guys... they tell bigger tomato stories than we do fish stories..... LOL, I am still wating to see that 25 pound tomato they keep telling me about....[angelic][sly][laugh] like I said earlier, god has a plan, and he will provide. this year he is giving me herloom sweetcorn and bean stalk seed stock, about a pound or two so far. (kintucky wonders 8th generation now from my garden) maybe my empty freezer is for the deer or elk I am suspost to harvest this year [crazy][cool][ ![]() I found some herloom sweet corn seed last spring ears grow 14-16 inches. makes great creamed corn... Love cream corn... little salt and a pad of butter... I did put about 20 packages of creamed in the freezer this year... 1/3 quart size. I am eating it fresh about every other day, but it is going to be really yummy come thanks giving... My neighbor was over and he saw that big 16 inch long 5 inch diamiter ear sitting on my stalk, he said that looks like it is ready to pick and started reaching for it.... and is said with out time to think, "dont you touch that, it aint ready" that is my seed stock for next year. I always save the largest and earliest of all my vegitables for seed stock... that is why my stuff grows so big, that is my secret.. along with regular maitance, and putting my fish waist in the soil of my garden...nope not composted fish waist, it goes in as is..... now that the rain has come back I will have more corn to harvest more tomatos are comming on my vines. I planted in stages, a week apart from first week in may to the last week of june. Yes I know the old rule, corn needs to be knee high by the forth of july in order to get a harvest, but on those years when we get a deacent indian summer I can harvest corn all the way though october... so for that it is worth it to me to put in patches that can mature during then. Yah I love to talk about my garden as much as I love to talk about my fishing... "Ya think?" dont get me going....LOL this was fun, I needed the break, but now I will have to get back to my text on how to be a weiner cheff....LOL [signature]
09-04-2006, 11:33 AM
Well that may explain my poor harvest to some extent. I didn't keep up on the weeding due to fishing and when I did get in there it was with garbage bags to fill up. We did get enough for the wife and myself in squash, beans, tomatoes [which are still going.] Had a good harvest of apples and will be making applesauce today. Another month and it will be time for the horseradish. My grapes need three to four weeks of no rain, they taste sour this year due to rain. May pave over half of it to store the boat on, seeing as my time has gone in another direction. This will still leave enough room for our faverite crops. Your lucky the town lets you throw out shingles in the trash. Here it would have been another $800.00 bill for a dumpster. Only way we can get rid of shingles in this state. Then they truck them down south.[crazy] Good luck on the weiner wagon. The guys down town seem to do well with them.
09-04-2006, 06:45 PM
they cant say much about shingles here, they all go to the same place, as a mater of fact shingles come in to our dumps form other states and canida.
my can is a mini dumpster, if it werent for that I would not be able to give them to the garbage man either. them things are just to heavy to lift. a quarter bag will weigh 50+ pounds with nails. my mini dumpster is a 1/3rd yard can, the trash truck pickes it up and dumps it in to a hopper that goes in front of the trash truck and from there it dumps in to the top of the truck insted of the back. a lot faster for the trash guys, they just drive up beside the can and an arm reaches out and a couple bands rap around the can. kinda cool to watch. the shingles was nothing to what I filled it with one time. I filled it with shattered class, "pea size" peices that I crushed from a half dozen or so sliding glass door frames. that truck grabed it like it was nothing, the plastic can did show signs of reaching just a little past its weight capasity.. LOL I figure there was at least a half a ton of glass there, to bad I couldnt find a recycle place for it... thats a big 10-4 on that dumpster thing. I would have had to pay double, it would have taken twice the allotted time for me to get all the shingles in to it, not to mention I would never have been able to get the shingles over the top. cant roll them in with a wheel barrol, tires and nails dont get along.... the summer apples are in up this way, I baked one in the microwave the other day. been a while since I had grapes, don't you wait till the frost to pick those? I never got around to getting them to harvest, between me and the birds we kept eathing them long before they were ready. ya I got a belly ache. I planted three verieties of the seedless concords, red blue and white, the white was the only one to produce the other two died out, the white hasnt produced a pickable grape in years, lots of blooms just no sets... It gets a lot of swamp abuse, they dammed the swamp behind my house and it flooded my back yard, and that was the end of my grape vine, lots of wild vines in my yard and they dont produce either, the stalk of the vine I cut down this spring was 6 inches in diamiter at the base. the vines were treemendous, it covered and entire roof of my car port. I didnt mind because the roof is plastic, but it had to go when I did the house roof replacement. I think I might make you my go to guy if I ever make it down to Tenn and a little dryer ground.[ ![]() [signature] |
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