09-02-2006, 09:29 AM
1st, 2006
This is the Pre-Ernesto report, after the rain and wind things will
change, hopefully better
STRIPED BASS- Theres been a pickup this week as the bunker were a bit
easier to find. Schools of adult bunker were in Branford, Guilford and
Clinton Harbors as well as in the Connecticut River and Niantic Bay.
Both the Race and Plum Gut have had an increase in the bite for the last
two nights. Chunking at the Mouth of the Connecticut River and Long Sand
Shoal have also been on the upswing. Tube and worming has been good
around Plum Island and into the west side of Plum Gut. School bass have
been on the surface early and late in the day at both Hatchetts and
Bartletts Reefs.
BLUEFISH- Blues continue to be in very good supply and spread out. The
Race, Plum Gut and Pigeon Rip have good to great action on medium sized
choppers. Theres small to large blues in and around the mouth of the
River mostly being caught on chunks and occaisionally on top. Theres been
blues mixed in with and sometimes dominating the bass on the surface at
Hatchetts and Bartletts.
SNAPPER BLUES- They're 4" to 6" now and in good numbers at the DEP
Piers, Causeway, Lieutenant and Blackhall Rivers.
FLUKE- Theres been some better reports from Soundview this week. Still
mostly shorts at Long Sand Shoal. A few doormats reported from the
Hatchetts depths, even some being caught on drifted bucktails meant for
PORGIES- A lot better news this week with good fish on Hatchetts,
Bartletts, Cranes, and Southwest Reefs.
Bonito, False Albacore- A slowdown in the Bonito reports but the first
reports of albies from Montauk, the Vineyard and Block Island.
BLUE CRABS-Pretty much the same as last week with good reports this
week from North and South Coves. Also good at Oyster River, Lieutenant and
Blackhall Rivers. Night spotting good behind Great Island.
HOURS- This weekend we'll be open Saturday from 4am to 6pm, Sunday
from 4am to 4pm and on Monday, Labor Day from 5am to 2pm. The rest of the
week, Tuesday through Friday from 6am to 7pm. Have a safe and happy
Labor Day Weekend.
1st, 2006
This is the Pre-Ernesto report, after the rain and wind things will
change, hopefully better
STRIPED BASS- Theres been a pickup this week as the bunker were a bit
easier to find. Schools of adult bunker were in Branford, Guilford and
Clinton Harbors as well as in the Connecticut River and Niantic Bay.
Both the Race and Plum Gut have had an increase in the bite for the last
two nights. Chunking at the Mouth of the Connecticut River and Long Sand
Shoal have also been on the upswing. Tube and worming has been good
around Plum Island and into the west side of Plum Gut. School bass have
been on the surface early and late in the day at both Hatchetts and
Bartletts Reefs.
BLUEFISH- Blues continue to be in very good supply and spread out. The
Race, Plum Gut and Pigeon Rip have good to great action on medium sized
choppers. Theres small to large blues in and around the mouth of the
River mostly being caught on chunks and occaisionally on top. Theres been
blues mixed in with and sometimes dominating the bass on the surface at
Hatchetts and Bartletts.
SNAPPER BLUES- They're 4" to 6" now and in good numbers at the DEP
Piers, Causeway, Lieutenant and Blackhall Rivers.
FLUKE- Theres been some better reports from Soundview this week. Still
mostly shorts at Long Sand Shoal. A few doormats reported from the
Hatchetts depths, even some being caught on drifted bucktails meant for
PORGIES- A lot better news this week with good fish on Hatchetts,
Bartletts, Cranes, and Southwest Reefs.
Bonito, False Albacore- A slowdown in the Bonito reports but the first
reports of albies from Montauk, the Vineyard and Block Island.
BLUE CRABS-Pretty much the same as last week with good reports this
week from North and South Coves. Also good at Oyster River, Lieutenant and
Blackhall Rivers. Night spotting good behind Great Island.
HOURS- This weekend we'll be open Saturday from 4am to 6pm, Sunday
from 4am to 4pm and on Monday, Labor Day from 5am to 2pm. The rest of the
week, Tuesday through Friday from 6am to 7pm. Have a safe and happy
Labor Day Weekend.