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Yuba Of Old !
i was look at my old pic's from fishing the good old days with my late great fishing buddy.. and came acrost some pic's of some cat's and perch we cought out of yuba in the early 80's..

i know the pic's are not to good my camrea back then realy sucked!
but you can see all the same what the fish were like at that time..

the samll cat in the pic was around 4 lbs so you can go from there as for the size of the other 2..

the small perch was 10 inches so again just go from there.. lol
Dude, that one perch looks like it is ready to explode! Cool pics fuzz.
you can almost tell that those are fish...

How old are you? didn't cameras have focus back then?
Talk about fat Perch! They look like someone blew air up their vent![Wink]

PBH .... your posts can be very interesting and informative. You can also be one negative son of a gun. It would sure be nice if you could stick to the informative and interesting. Do us all a favor and ignore the posts that offend you.
joyride -- you must be as old as Fuzzy, if you took offense to that!

It was meant as a joke -- that's all.

I guess my sense of humor has gone down the toilet. Apologies to all.

Fuzzball -- i could actually tell that those were perch, and 1 was very fat. The catfish needed your explanation for "clarification". I know the pictures are old, and you've most likely figured this trick out by now -- but having something of size reference in a picture always helps. Without anything in those pictures to reference size, you could claim those cats to be 30" long each, and non of use (even me!) could dispute this!

so, out of curiosity, where was the quality loss? In the scanning transfer, or in the picture taker?
I apologize PBH. I have been known to have humor slip right past me. [Tongue]

P.S. I may be older than some of the Sturgeon Kentonsl has been catching.
well at lest i'm fuzzy this time [Tongue] don't know what happend to the ball tho [mad]

as i said befor my camrea sucked! it was a big 110 job that i have had when i was 5 i think.. lol i throw it in my tackle box and took pic's with it for a long time.. but on cold mornings the lens would fog.. so icefishing pic's and early morning pic's some times came out a little fuzzy? [sly] or i was a little fuzzy on the focus [shocked] who knows
well at lest i'm fuzzy this time [Tongue] don't know what happend to the ball tho [mad]


Hey ron has there been any stocking of channels in yuba?
[cool][#0000ff]Allow me to contribute a couple of pics of the Yuba of old.[/#0000ff]
Holy crap!!!!! Is there somethihng wrong with the fish or is that just how fat they got?
[font "Times New Roman"][#ff4040][size 3]Holy smokes!!! Did they feed them steriods back in the day? Those are some hawg perchies.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
[cool][#0000ff]When things were "in balance", during a "boom" cycle at Yuba, the perch produced enough fry to feed both the walleye and themselves. The cannibalistic perch chowed down on their own young, as well as the carp fry in the spring. And, there was plenty to go around before the inevitable crashes when the predators ate up the prey beyond what the lake could sustain.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The fish usually built up large reserves of inner body fat during the good times, and when they also had ripe eggs, the result was grotesquely fat fish.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Here's a pic of one of Yubas biggies, caught by Pikeman. However, it was taken during a leaner time. If it had been as fat as some of those others it would have probably weighed 3 pounds and would be the existing state record.[/#0000ff]
[font "Times New Roman"][black]Ok, sence you guys are showing off the good ol'days, here's one for ya.[/black][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]later chuck[/font]
ooopps, here's it is.
[cool][#0000ff]Are you using some kind of magic software that leaves the picture to our imagination?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You are supposed to attach a pic if you wanna brag about it.[/#0000ff]
Pikeman's perch is HUGE! [cool]
ok thats taken care of, here's a big yuba perch. later
catfish planted in yuba? not that i have heard of..
but there is Redmond's that has a lot of cat's in it and the sevier river and a lot of it's lower tributaries still have some cat's left in them.. so should not be to long for them to come back to the lake as well..
[cool][#0000ff]There are two large yellow perch caught by Pikeman mounted and on display at the Sportsmans in Provo/Orem. One was actually longer and greater in girth than the "state record" attributed to Ray Johnson. There are some folks who have "suggested" that Mr. Johnson's fish was one of the greedy "lead-eating" perch and may have ingested some sinkers to achieve some weight gain.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Surely no good BFTer would ever "fudge" the weight...nor imply that any other angler would either. Yeah...right. [/#0000ff]
Ol' pal do you mean to tell us that some folks might suggest that Johnson's Perchies were lead poopers?! [laugh]

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