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Report from Rivers End Tackle
22nd, 2006

STRIPED BASS- They're back at the Race as of yesterday if you can get
through the blues. One angler did well by letting the blues eat the
back of the bunker then dropping back to let the bass eat the head. At
Long Sand Shoal chunkers are getting some bass mixed in with the blues.
Theres a lot of schoolies along the south side of Montauk for both surf
and boat casters. The Causeway also has schoolies for casters.

BLUEFISH- This is without a doubt the best bluefishing the Connecticut
River has seen in fifteen years. Shorebound anglers are scoring at
Saybrook Point and both DEP Piers mostly with chunks. The flats at the
mouth of the River are also doing well for both chunkers and casters. Long
Sand Shoal has blues if you don't want to trek to the Race or Plum Gut.

SNAPPER BLUES- They're still running good around most estuaries and
the Causeway.

FLUKE- A few fluke were reported from Misquamicut last weekend and a
few were caught on chunks meant for blues in the River. The season is
closed in NY.

PORGIES- Theres a good supply of porgies at most of the local reefs,
sizes are mixed.

BLACKFISH- Today is opening day, call us for more information tomorrow.

FALSE ALBACORE- Theres some at Montauk, Sluiceway, Watch Hill and the
Race. Theres not a lot of large schools and theres loads of anglers
trying for them.

BLUE CRABS- They're still running good with decent reports from the
Oyster, Lieutenant River and North and South Coves

HOURS- The sun is rising later and so are we. Monday -Friday
6am to 7pm

Saturday 5am to 6pm

Sunday 5am to 4pm

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