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tubing the berry
towed the tube to the berry today. i got a late start due to an all nighter i had. made it out around 2 oclock. stopped by the marina to snag a drink and a proclamation and i here this guy behind the counter giving some of the worst advice i have ever heard. for those who arent familair with strawberry there is a slot limit. anything between 15-21 must be released. that means a lot of fish are being released. this guy was not only encouraging but activly trying to get people to go from single hooks to treble. this guy didnt stop there though. he then explained how to get hooks out if they are hooked deep. ARE YOU SERIOUS. that was it and i had to say something to this guy. i promtly told the people he was upselling that thjey had better just cut the hook on fish that are being released, which is a good number of what is being caught. then i made sure the man behin the counter new that he was personally responsible for the high mortality rate on strawberry. if people knew how to fish, it would be better for all of us.
now about the fishing. soft and light. that was the story about today. i fished a minnnow with some crawler on it for some livly effects. drifted in the wind and got lots and lots of bites. the were all very soft and it took me about an hour to figure out how to start hooking up. managed one 24 inch cutt and the rest except for 1 rainbow were slot cutts. the rainbow was a fatty, but barely pushed 20 inch range. managed 12 fish all day. thats pretty good for strawberry i guess, but i know i could have done a lot better. i did hook a hog, pulled to all get out, thought i was goign to get spooled for the first time in my life, but then he turned, headed for the tube. caught some air and snap, was gone with a new lip piercing to remember me by. i would say that fish was pushign the 8 to 10 pound area, big fish
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Sounds like you had a GOOD day. [/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]A nice 24" trout ( going with the fatties like at Strawberry and Henry's) is going to weigh in at 5 to 6lbs.[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Not many of those 10lbers being recorded right now which will be in the 26" range, so, too bad you lost it, that would have been WAY COOL![/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]RIGHT ON AND TIGHT LINES![/size][/black][/font]
[cool][#0000ff]Nice report. Sounds like fun.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Your dad said you recently had a good session on Jordanelle too...with some big bows. Care to share?[/#0000ff]
ah that trip was short lived. and everyoen but me was catchign fish after fish. the fish i did manage were decent size though. fished the evening hours until it got dark. started out using jigs for perch or bass, but that as a no go. so i grabbed the fly rod tied on a black and white buger, and casted out. took me a while to figure out casting a bugger from my tube, and with more tangles than fishing time, i called it a night. but i did manage a few fish

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