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Best Colorado ice fishing for crappie and perch??
What's everybody's opinion on the best Colorado lakes to ice some decent sized perch and crappie this winter - 9"+ perch and 10"+ crappie?

Aurora for perch? Or someplace else. What about crappie? I'd even drive to the Western Slope for a mess of crappie.
Aurora is your best bet for large perch. I got 2 last year right at 13". Also rifle gap has large perch. Used to catch lots of decent crappie at cherry creek but havent lately.
Wow! 13" is a BIG perch! I hit Aurora a couple times lasat winter, but just didn't find the perch. How deep should a fella ice fish for them there.

I've never fished Rifle Gap. I guess I need to give it a shot this winter, along with Crawford for crappie from what I've heard. Did you fish Cherry Creek for crappie at all last winter?

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