06-28-2001, 04:09 AM
<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bigfish/wwwthreads/dopoll.pl"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="993701380troutman"><br><b>How do you buy your Fishing License?</b><br><INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=option VALUE="1"> One Day Fishing License each time I Fish<br><INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=option VALUE="2"> One Year Fishing License<br><INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=option VALUE="3"> One Year Fishing License with saltwater stamp<br><INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=option VALUE="4"> One Year Fishing License with second rod stamp<br><INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=option VALUE="5"> One Year Fishing License with saltwater & second rod stamps<br><INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=option VALUE="6"> One Year Fishing License with all stamps<br><INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=option VALUE="7"> Lifetime Fishing License<br><INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=option VALUE="8"> Lifetime Fishing License with all stamps<br><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME="PollSubmit" VALUE="Submit vote" CLASS="buttons"></FORM> <br><br>Jeff Jost