06-28-2001, 09:44 PM
hi everyone! sorry this is late but ive been spending my time on the lake rather than on the computer. we have relation visiting from texas so ive been trying to show him a little minnesota style fishing! let me start by saying thank you to anyone who participated in the take a kid fishing day in alexandria! these fisherman donated their boats,tackle, and time to take some less fortunate kids fishing that may otherwise never get a chance! thats true sportsmanship! as for me ive tried west battle lake which was pretty good for walleys in about 12 foot, also rush lake and dead lake has been very good for bass in the weeds! they seem to like the brighter colored spinner baits! hint: try a leech on youre larger spinner baits! walleys still seem to like leeches and shiners as far as i can tell. well thats about all i have for now, hope i've help some of you! anyone got any tips they want to share? thanks again for visiting and ill talk to everyone on monday! smokin joe<br><br>smokin joe