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Lure of the week review
This week is the silverbuddy. I had a chance to use this lure a couple of weeks ago and it boated 4 nice smallmouth in 8-12ft of water. This lure performs well in cold water. Throw it out, let it settle to the bottom and pull the rod up alittle till you feel the flutter, about 6-12inchs. Let it settle back down and repeat every 15-20 secs. Fish this one real slow. Buy a few as you'll snag and loss a few a trip.Gold worked for us.[Image: bgf_lure_flat_bkgrd.jpg][/url]
LOL.....i have a couple that i use for striper fishing,and never knew the name,now i feel stupid[crazy].they work can get the parts and pieces,and mold from janns to make your own.
cool looking jig,
where did you find it?

looks like the three holes on top for tieing to will give you different action results depending on which hole you use.

interesting desighn.

I wonder how they would do on pike and walleyes though the ice.

here is a product you guys may want to take a look at, and ask questions. I have the maker of this product on line.

here is a link to an ice fishing product. It is a tipup type devise, if nothing esle it is worth taking a look at.
[url ";sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;"][#333366][size 1]the Slammer[/size][/#333366][/url][size 1] [/size]
All I saw was tipups. Which is fine but I gave mine to TomC last year. That lure is for cold water but I never used it through the ice before. Who knows it might work.
a slammer is a type of tipup that a fishing rod is mounted, once it takes a hit it is susposed to set the hook.

it is a new concept so I have heard, developed for steel head tout in northern michigan. I am hoping to apply it to walleye and deap water brown trout.

the guy who makes them is across town from me. there is a link to his site in one of the early post.

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