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Roberts Update!
I know these reports are getting old for some of you, but I will keep you updated on perch fishing. My Son and I fished Roberts this past Saturday from 2:00-5:00 PM. The fishing is considerably slower, but we were still successful. When it is slow keep moving go 25 feet drill a couple of holes and fish. I saw a lot of people sitting around, and not reeling in fish. By the end of the day we had 40 perch, 7 bananas, and 2 bows. For Christmas dinner we had my entire family over and I deep fried a lot of perch in cornmeal; it was a big success. For my immediate small family of four it takes about 40 Roberts perch to make a meal; I have enjoyed chewing every flake of perch from this place. My little girl claims to hate fish, but she loves penguin; it is funny how you can trick small ones[Smile] Roberts perch are small, but delicious.


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