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Calamari and Mushroom Stir Fry
[font "verdana, arial, helvetica"][size 2]500 gm cleaned calamari
1 tbl oil
3 x cloves garlic, crushed
1 x red chilli, seeded & sliced
1 x spanish onion, cut Into thin
1 x capsicum, seeded & sliced
4 x shallots, sliced
150 gm oyster mushrooms, halved
1 tbl soy sauce

1. Cut calamari hoods into large bite sized pieces. Place on a board with the inside up and cut a crisscross pattern halfway through the calamari flesh.
2. Heat oil in a wok or large frying pan. Cook garlic, chilli, onion and capsicum until onion is tender.
3. Add shallots and calamari. Cook until calamari curls into tight scrolls (about 3 minutes).
4. Stir in mushrooms and soy sauce. Cook until heated through. Serve with noodles.[/size][/font]

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