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Dedicated Hunter Project
For those of you in the DH program, I will try to post a few projects available on here now and then. How many of you are in the program?

Here is one project I've got going over the next couple of weeks:

[size 1]I have about 200 trees we are going to sink in Gunlock Reservoir. I need volunteers and dedicated hunters to help me get them there and also to help sink them. So if you have a truck and trailer or a boat and would like to help with a project to enhance the Bass habitat at Gunlock give me a call. I am going to try to get all the trees down there within the next week and then either Saturday Jan. 27th or Feb. 3 depending on which day I can get enough boats we will sink them. I also need a guy from up north (Springville) to bring down some concrete blocks we have up there for the purpose of sinking them.

Gary Bezzant
DWR Southern Region Volunteer Services Coordinator
(435)865-6100 [/size]

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