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Holmes Creek report
Fished Holmes today from 2 to dark and had a good time. Caught 7 bows, 2 crappie, 1 whitie, and a gill. They took alot of different offerings. Ice is about 11" and the edges have some water but still safe.
nice catch. I gotta go there as it's about 2 minutes from my office and five minutes from home.
I really need to try this spot...this is the lake by the golf course right? Is there a good trail to the ice, so that I could pull all my gear down?


Nice report Brody, those whites look just like wipers, do they fight as good? How long is the white?
He's about 12" or so. They are like mini wipers when they fight.
Most of the paths into holmes are really steep and slick with mud. I went there with fishinpro40 last saturday. He iced 1 bow. the rest of us got skunked.
I have not been skunked there yet(knock on wood), but it definately takes sonar to find the fish.[cool]
When did White Bass get planted/released into Holmes Creek? I have never heard of those being caught out of there until you. I saw the pics and got excited! That'll make for some fun fishing in the summer.
They have been in there for at least a couple of years, if I remember correctly the DWR stocked them as part of their community pond program. WH2
My understanding is that the UDWR didn't stock the white bass, but a bucket biologist did.
Nice report!
I have no idea how they got in there.
Well, lets keep trying to get them out! I caught a nice one the other day out of there. It was a fighter, took drag, my new favorite panfish through the ice. I also caught a crappie.
HC is just about 1/2 hour from me, but even then 1/2 way to Pineview or anywhere else. I also like the way it sits in a hole and is quiet. Nice to unwind after work for 2 hours.
I've been there several times and never had much luck except for cats. I've seen plenty of bass and had friends catch 5+ lbers out of there but now that I know theres white bass I might have to change my tactics a little.

Wondering if you were moving around to different depths or sticking in one general vicinity? What depths seemed to work the best? Also is Holmes a pretty deep body of water? Sorry for all of the questions, thinking of hitting this tomorrow afternoon and have never fished it.

I stay put and let em come to me. 20'

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