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Northern Pike size limit helping
On the lake that I live on (Elephant Lake) the northerns have to be 40 inches or more in order for you to keep them. So far I am the only one on the lake to catch one that big but I let it go anyways. This limit has really improved the northern fishing. Before this limit, in the summer I could only catch about 2 or 3, last summer I ended up catching about 20. This limit has been in affect for about 3 years now. The tip ups are starting to go up on a regular basis and I catch one just about everyday in the winter. I think this restriction is a good idea and I was wondering if any of you guys have something like this.
Hello Traisville,
Welcome to BFT!!!

Many places do have those types of restrictions and they do tend to work over time.

Congraulations on some great fish! Keep up the great work!

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Founder of Elite SEO Consulting
That's part of the reason we have these restrictions. As you can see... in most cases, they work. Awesome job on the numbers you're pulling in! Remember, practice CPR... Catch, Photograph, Release.

If ya have a chance, photograph one you catch thru the ice the next few days before the season is over!

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